Example sentences of "taken within the " in BNC.

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1 The impressions conveyed , however , need to be taken within the frame which historians have put together from other sources , with which we therefore begin .
2 They are arranged to make a more or less connected narrative , and , taken within the larger historical framework already described , form a more detailed story of El Cid .
3 For the ‘ ordinary ’ classroom teacher this situation could mean that decisions taken within the school might lead to larger classes , less non-contact time ( where this is actually available ) and higher levels of cover for absent colleagues .
4 It also follows on from the steps already taken within the Institute to cater for specialisms , with the establishment of the Tax , Financial Management and Information Technology Faculties .
5 If that action is not taken within the agreed time and your debtor 's promise is broken you must immediately move to the next collection stage .
6 The one possible exception to this general rule used to be the jurisdiction of the court to quash a decision taken within the jurisdiction of the decision taker where an error of law appeared on the face of the record : Rex v. Northumberland Compensation Appeal Tribunal , Ex parte Shaw [ 1952 ] 1 K.B .
7 But the sociological approach argues that this is inherently abstract and artificial , as if decisions taken within the negotiating arena somehow independently shape the course of events .
8 The decision to withdraw ( despite the implication for jobs in the defence industry ) was taken within the context of planned cuts in defence spending of DM20,000 million ( US$12,500 million ) over the next 12 years .
9 As the frequent conflict between generalists and specialists in public bureaucracies indicates , expertise — being an authority in a scientific , professional or technical subject relevant to the decisions being taken within the organization — is a source of power .
10 Such an approach comes closest to the spirit of the pragmatic investigatory stance taken within the UK , where the Monopolies and Mergers Commission and the Restrictive Practices Court , pronounce upon individual cases .
11 A statement released by ICI after the fire said : ‘ Atmospheric tests taken within the site boundary indicated negligible amounts of hydrochloric acid in the smoke from the fire .
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