Example sentences of "taken into [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 JINXED astronaut Franco Malerba flew home to Genoa yesterday — to find he had lost the suitcase containing the Italian flag he had taken into space .
2 But because the feoffees were the legal owners , the lands could not be taken into wardship if the grantor died leaving an heir under age , nor could the crown require the payment of a relief when the heir entered upon his inheritance , and lands held in trust in this way could not be forfeited for treason .
3 It was eventually taken into state care in 1912 , and has been open to the public ever since .
4 Dozens of boxes of documents were taken into court at the start of the complicated trial , a trial which the jury were warned by the judge , is going to be a long haul .
5 In fact four have been taken into preservation in centres around the country .
6 for the record , No 55020 Nimbus was taken into service on 2 December 1962 and named the same day .
7 ‘ In calculating the provision in the latter instance , an assessment is made of the likelihood of the property being taken into possession based on relevant past experience and current market conditions .
8 ‘ The Society also looks at the loans that are six months or more in arrears but have not been taken into possession , and adds a percentage of such arrears to the specific provision figure .
9 A veteran ETA leader , José Manuel Pagoaga Galléstegui , was taken into detention in the French Basque region in June 1989 ; Eloy Uriarte Díaz de Guereño , regarded as number three in the organizational leadership ( and also known as " Señor Robles " ) , was arrested on July 11 in Bayonne , south-west France , but was released on July 13 subject to his restriction to a particular area .
10 This great neoclassical house had been reprieved from imminent demolition in 1972 by ministers and taken into guardianship two years later .
11 When the Davy Lamp is taken into air that contains more than 5 per cent of firedamp , or if the air passing the lamp is suddenly contaminated to that extent , the air inside the lamp explodes and puts out the light but the mesh prevents the explosion being transmitted to the air outside the lamp Thus although the miner is put in the dark he is alive to tell the tale .
12 This is the very first idea to be taken into consideration when a choreographer starts to work with music .
13 He admitted eight robberies between May and July and asked for two others and six attempted robberies to be taken into consideration .
14 Thus illegitimacy is no longer taken into consideration in determining the rights of succession of an illegitimate person , or the rights of succession to his estate , or the rights of succession traced through an illegitimate relationship .
15 Planar proportions that are harmonic on the drawing board will remain so in the structure , provided effects of overlapping are taken into consideration .
16 In addition , the future promise of the candidate is taken into consideration .
17 Mothers stay at home for three years after the birth of their babies on 70% of their salary ( inflation is not taken into consideration ) .
18 It is not only cancer which has to be taken into consideration but such life-threatening problems as emphysema , bronchitis , hardening of the arteries and heart disease .
19 Although the whole life-style will be taken into consideration , this therapy does not necessarily involve drastic changes .
20 Factors taken into consideration are , in decreasing order of priority : minimisation of the number of free valences of the CRU ; maximisation of the number of most preferred heteroatoms in the ring system ; retaining the most preferred ring system ; and choosing the longest chain for an acyclic CRU .
21 In a few cases , the manager may decide that the recruit is unsuitable but more normally they will be given a chance at a formal interview where the manager 's opinion will be taken into consideration .
22 While SWAPO 's decision to opt for English as the official language reflects a wish to avoid conflicts between different indigenous languages , relatively few people who have not been refugees know English well , and this will have to be taken into consideration in teacher training .
23 Such examination and statement should be made without regard to any opinion as to the merit , or demerits of the drawings or designs which should not be taken into consideration or referred to .
24 He pointed out that although the Select Committee had regretted that the opinion of the assessors was not taken into consideration in the outcome of the competition , they would probably not have chosen Scott .
25 However , having stated this , the following are some factors taken into consideration .
26 ‘ This meeting , having taken into consideration the proceedings of former meetings , and being informed that many respectable persons delay giving their names as subscribers while the proceedings of the committee are subject to be reported to the Odiham Society , and are under the controul [ sic ] thereof , find it expedient to detach themselves from that Society , the work on which they are engaged being of so considerable importance , the reformation and improvement of Farriery , requiring that it should be confined to that purpose and use alone , and be under the sole management and control of its own members .
27 Treatment plans should be discussed with the patient 's general practitioner at an early stage and his views taken into consideration .
28 For others this will be a new situation , but one which needs to be taken into consideration when planning for retirement .
29 She asked for 54 similar offences to be taken into consideration .
30 She also asked for 31 similar offences to be taken into consideration .
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