Example sentences of "taken with the " in BNC.

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1 Once sentenced to death the nightmare gets worse : very little care is taken with the inmate 's emotions .
2 Optical image of IRAS F10214+4724 taken with the Mt Palomar telescope .
3 But I was especially taken with the single ‘ White Bird 's Egg ’ , a pure white with faint pink spots .
4 Have the photos taken with the back view , front view and side view .
5 In all these methods , care has to be taken with the preparation of the sample , since ancient alloys were sometimes not well mixed .
6 I was very taken with the piece and at that time after the war the Lucerne Festival was very interested in having the orchestra and allowing us to determine the repertory .
7 City economists said yesterday that the American decision to cut the Fed Funds rate by ¼ point to 33/4 p.c. may have been taken with the international as well as the domestic situation in mind .
8 Meals are usually taken with the officers .
9 Issue will be taken with the appropriateness of applying the concept of punishment to the probation context through reference to a demanding and successful probation project concerned with offenders in trouble through drink .
10 Soon everyone wanted their picture taken with the Book creature .
11 In writing for others they will learn that writing for a public audience requires more care to be taken with the finished product than writing for oneself as an aid to memory .
12 If a parallel is taken with the treatment of another infection , say , lobar pneumonia , at the end of a ten-day course of penicillin treatment , there will be no sign of the responsible bacteria and , if the antibiotics are stopped , the bacteria will not return and reinfect the lung .
13 Care has to be taken with the adjacent values , which can not be obtained by reading off distances on the graph paper ; they must be obtained arithmetically .
14 His system seems to have evolved by 1807 , whereby he made pencil drawings of exceptional quality , sometimes with marginal notes on colours , light , sun position , and any licence he may have taken with the topography .
15 Hitherto , provision of adult deaf organisations had largely been confined to church services and other pastoral services , but in 1871 , a most important step was taken with the founding of Glasgow Deaf and Dumb Football Club , the first sports dub for the deaf in this country .
16 An important first step towards a truly European corporate entity has been taken with the issue of EC rules providing for the formation of a European Economic Interest Grouping ( see Chapter 4 ) .
17 For example , shareholdings divided in the proportion of 66% and 34% were found to constitute joint control , as a 34% shareholding represented a minority blocking vote and so important decisions had to be taken with the consent of this minority shareholder .
18 Traders like tavern-keepers in the Strand and wine merchants in St James 's Street , learnt to expect and tolerate late payment , and to ensure that any steps to obtain settlement were taken with the greatest diplomacy .
19 The shot ( above ) has been taken with the wrong white balance setting .
20 Care must be taken with the passenger 's replies as they will be hearsay unless in the driver 's presence .
21 In March 1915 a significant step was taken with the appointment of Egerton Wake to spearhead a UDC campaign in the Trades Councils and local Labour Parties .
22 When taken with the latitude allowed by the instruction to ‘ operate in the public interest ’ , it is easy to see that , with such imprecise targets , it was bound to be extremely difficult to assess the performance of nationalised industries .
23 Great care should be taken with the rock in this area until it has all washed clean and settled down again .
24 Most were far too taken with the spectacle of Andrei Gromyko , then the Soviet Union 's deputy Foreign Minister , trying — and failing — to break the conference apart .
25 I was particularly taken with the Folkestone branch specials .
26 ‘ Every step in my plan has been taken with the Divine help ’
27 A reader of Singer , let us suppose , is taken with the idea of ethics as taking the universal point of view and progresses to the principle of the equal consideration of interests , attracted perhaps by its sense of having rekindled the spirit of the Second Commandment in secular guise .
28 Anyway , whatever its name , it put up a noble fight before it was gaffed and brought on board , and I had my photograph taken with the catch after we landed back on the beach .
29 And much as I coveted a wonderful watercolour by Albert that I came across in an Alice Springs gallery for 4,000 dollars I was even more taken with the traditional native art , particularly since it seemed to offer useful hints about a problem I had of seeing the outback in ways other than through the window-on-the-world vision that developed in Renaissance Italy .
30 These letters themselves , with their references to women and his dependence upon them , should be taken with the facts of his first impulsive marriage and his second happy one : all the available evidence suggests that when he allowed his sexuality free access , when he was not struggling with his own demons , it was of a heterosexual kind .
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