Example sentences of "taken to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Cocaine is merely a recreational drug and , taken to excess , like alcohol or nicotine , it is undoubtedly dangerous , but judiciously used it can be a source of harmless pleasure , and even of intellectual stimulation .
2 This often seemed to be taken to excess and getting drunk or ‘ blind drunk ’ was described as common practice , at least within their world as they revealed it to us .
3 We discussed in Report 11 the way this can be taken to excess by those teachers who couch the majority of their utterances in the form of questions , even when statements or instructions are more appropriate , and how such questioning can then become further debased by being low-level or closed .
4 But things could be taken to excess .
5 So am I. Have you taken to gardening now ?
6 He had , as it were , taken to heart Labour 's advice to constituency parties on the display of their leaflets and other electioneering wares : ‘ Use rose at the correct angle , and do not cut off stem . ’
7 Perhaps he had taken to heart Mrs Thatcher 's quotation from Mark Twain : ‘ Never prophesy about the future . ’
8 It 's a message this generation has taken to heart , and enormous sums of money are now spent every year on washing powders , bleaches , conditioners , washing-up-liquids , scouring creams , disinfectants , fresheners and so on .
9 The quality I 'm referring to was something common enough here in Latin America , but very rare in the land of booze and animal fats , where the women seem to have taken to heart mad Hamlet 's advice to let their honesty admit no discourse to their beauty .
10 So it is also the diet to choose if you have sensibly taken to heart the well-established benefits of reducing fat intake .
11 When , in the mid-Eighties , Rei Kawakubo of Comme des Garçons stated that ‘ red is the new black ’ ( narrowly beating Diana Vreelands ' ‘ pink is the navy blue of India ’ observation in the Pretentious Fashion Statement stakes ) , it appeared to have been taken to heart by the designers of football kits .
12 It presents a selection of pieces from the period when Turin was particularly open to exchanges with other European capitals : sculptures by Ignazio and Filippo Collino , intagli by Bonzanigo , water-colours by Bagetti and oils by Giuseppe Mazzola illustrate the high standards achieved by local artists during the late eighteenth century and the Restoration period as new developments in Rome and Paris were taken to heart .
13 Converse seems to have taken to heart a wave of stories about the burgeoning 14 to 24-year-old market , dubbed ‘ Generation X ’ by Douglas Coupland , a novelist .
14 Your comments taken to heart !
15 It is apparent that the new top management has taken to heart the gravity of this catastrophe and the company has shown a determination to put its house in order .
16 The scrap was loaded into a narrow boat at the bottom of the incline and taken to North Kilworth for transshipment by rail .
17 Not a lot of weight as you imagine because they 're all little tiny sprigs this high , and obviously what they are going to do , they were being taken to south Wales where they going to start off a new little forest presumably .
18 The attitude taken to privatisation is one of the key differences between the two parties .
19 Local authorities will have a duty to keep the streets clean , on pain of being taken to court by members of the public .
20 Would there be fewer deaths if more farmers were taken to court , and faced higher penalties ?
21 Orthodox Protestants doing no more than exercising their democratic right to protest against the paying of tribute to the Antichrist were taken to court and fined .
22 A New York clothes store was taken to court after using a lookalike of comic Woody Allen while Ford Motor Company was alleged to have duplicated Bette Midler 's voice without permission .
23 Bureaux that ignore the new laws run the risk of being taken to court by local trading standards authorities , and fined .
24 A CHILEAN boxing champion is on a hunger strike and an Argentinian doctor is being taken to court as a result of an attempt by doctors to put an end to professional boxing in Chile .
25 Nor is the law an arid statement of ideals , for defaulters may be taken to court by their partners .
26 The Daily Mail , or more specifically the Editor , David English , was taken to court because he had published the article during the Leonard Arthur case and was held in contempt of court .
27 In 1988 , the Union of Student Unions in Ireland ( USI ) was taken to court for SPUC ( The Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child ) .
28 I hasten to add before I am taken to court by mountain men with beards that this is highly irresponsible behaviour and extremely dangerous .
29 Even after her father had been taken to court for the abuses his family suffered , he quickly began to turn his attention to the girls , including Penny — by then married and seven months pregnant .
30 The more resentful and unforgiving Willie Morgan , was taken to court and then had to terminate a lucrative six year contract after only nine months .
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