Example sentences of "made him [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But then , it was not his good looks that made him famous .
2 As Jimmy , Hoffman elaborates the film role that made him famous , Benjamin in The Graduate , and he is a thoroughly charming actor with sufficient off-beat idiosyncrasies to make him a spiny delight .
3 Holy Living and Holy Dying made him famous and went through twenty editions in the next fifty years .
4 Baxter 's work and his royal connections made him famous during the years directly following the Great Exhibition and he gained public recognition for his achievements : he was awarded the great gold medal of Austria ( 1852 ) , and medals for his exhibits at the Great Exhibitions in New York ( 1853 ) and Paris ( 1855 ) , was elected a member of the Royal Society of Arts ( 1855 ) , and received the grand gold medal of Sweden ( 1857 ) .
5 A renowned rock guitarist is going back on the road with a new band , ten years after leaving the group that made him famous .
6 Despite this , Moseley 's skills never made him rich .
7 Management consultancy not only made him rich ( he sold Telesis for $1m and has just forked out $1.25m for a Washington house ) ; it also convinced him that America 's ludicrously wasteful health-care system was undermining the nation 's competitiveness abroad .
8 His standing as an accepted figure , even a friend of the Queen 's sister , Princess Margaret , made him vulnerable to attack .
9 Both victim and aggressor would be immune from moral judgment ; the former for taking whatever social path it was that made him vulnerable and the latter for unleashing his fury , frustrations or whatever , upon the passive recipient of his cruelty and wrath .
10 She made him vulnerable .
11 His holdings in south Wales , the gains of his marriage , made him vulnerable to Despenser 's territorial ambitions in that area , and by May 1320 he had lost control of Gwynllwg and Newport .
12 To a degree this made him vulnerable : Vichy propagandists had an opportunity to fill in the blanks , by vilifying him as a deserter in the pay of the British or of Jewish interests .
13 Assuming he was in trouble , he stopped to give him a lift … but the attacker threatened him with an iron bar and forced him to take tablets which made him unconscious .
14 Fear often made him sarcastic ; he had noticed that before .
15 The old women of the town marvelled at a child whose intellect had been ‘ forced into almost an unnatural ripeness ’ , and their flattery made him vain :
16 Both areas , breaking and mending , engrossed Dostoevsky from the time when the shared convict existence of prison snapped him like a dry biscuit yet also made him new , so that in the closing words of The House of the Dead , with the knocking off of his fetters , the narrator greets ‘ a new life , voskresenie from the dead ’ .
17 He was a spare , grizzled man , who limped with the gout that made him ill-tempered , so unlike the dandified figure of Lord Dacre 's vague memory that he felt wholly disorientated in his presence .
18 A kindly uncle with no children of his own had paid for him to be educated , but education only made him discontented with his lot in life .
19 Powerful actors , especially , are able to make a difference to things ; for example King Louis XV 's lasciviousness made him indulgent toward Madame de Pompa-dour , who was therefore able to protect the position of the incompetent General Soubise in spite of the fact that his army was unreliable in defending France 's military interests .
20 Accumulated emotion made him weak , needing her .
21 Adrenalin withdrawal made him introspective and sleepy .
22 Even so , the Controller 's anger made him incautious .
23 But it also made him invaluable as an occasional centre-forward .
24 Since 1952 his illustrations for plays had regularly appeared in the Radio Times where , as Rigby Graham has argued , Minton 's knowledge of costume , his sense of period and locale , made him invaluable .
25 Perhaps it was this very indecision that made him depressed .
26 It was not just the flower-beds marked by dying crocuses and the general air of neglect , with last autumn 's leaves left to rot in sunless corners , that made him depressed .
27 He did not have time to study any more , and the long hours of work on the farm made him tired and dull .
28 A natural Maestro , born with something in his genes that made him capable of re-inventing the workings of the Reconciliation ?
29 In these heady days , Gould 's greed surpassed even his own bounds and made him capable of an ungentlemanly lack of sportsmanship .
30 The presence of McCoist , the aerial prowess of McPherson and the reliable defending of McLaren , which made him outstanding against Italy in Scotland 's last match , would all be of assistance in extending Malta 's poor record .
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