Example sentences of "made up of " in BNC.

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1 The branch and regional structure is overseen by a national Branches Committee made up of Regional Directors .
2 Then reinforce the whole with ground cover made up of herbaceous plants , flowering bulbs and , of course , the infinitely various and valuable annuals .
3 They comprised four Mk 1 FO sets , each made up of seven FO saloons , two kitchen cars and a BFK brake vehicle , plus the former Manchester Pullman set of seven parlour cars , two parlour kitchen cars and a parlour brake .
4 Parsytec will sell the single processing unit , about the size of two briefcases , and larger computers made up of different configurations of the blocks .
5 She indicates a necklace made up of military insignia to illustrate her point .
6 A year later , he played a central role in founding the Group of 89 , a faction made up of business and professional members of the BLCC who wanted to see a conservative model for Hong Kong 's political development .
7 The debate has again underlined the paralysis of a government made up of two parties which hold such opposing views on the resolution of the the occupied-territories question .
8 The plan is that a new company , soon to be renamed LWT ( Holdings ) , will buy in all of LWT 's shares , paying one new preferred share plus a package worth 130p made up of a special dividend of 60p , an associated tax credit of 20p and either loan notes or cash worth 50p .
9 It is found , typically , that as GDP per head of the population rises from low levels , there is a rising percentage of total output made up of engineering goods , electricals , chemicals and so on , and a falling percentage of total output made up by ‘ necessities ’ such as food , drink and clothing .
10 Yet Pomgol was little more than a conglomerate made up of other relevant state departments .
11 Each team will carry a lantern and a section of the flag of flags — made up of each flag of the UN member states .
12 The plant — hospitals , equipment , surgeries — being state-owned and state-administered , those changes do not come about by a gradual process made up of an infinite number of individual decisions : they happen in lurches , of which the most visible form is not the provision of new plant but the discontinuance of old plant .
13 The Germanic mode of production is characterized by a society made up of largely independent family groups , each of which forms a basic and complete productive unit .
14 A composite is any material made up of two or more distinct elements .
15 The completed bridge made up of Royal Engineer M2 floating rigs. such a bridge would normally be dismantled before dawn in wartime since it would be a prime target for enemy aircraft during daylight hours .
16 Such basic matters as what people believed about their own bodies — made up of humours — or their pasts are juxtaposed with fascinating excursions into such areas of belief as the fairies and mythical beasts .
17 He went on to assert his first mature , outrageous , filmmaking style with a D. H. Lawrence adaptation , Women in Love ( 1969 ) , The Music Lovers ( 1970 ) , covering the life of Tchaikovsky , and The Devils , an extraordinary collage made up of images of ecstasy , violence and cruelty .
18 The community was not homogenous , but made up of a multitude of different groups with different attitudes and beliefs , while ‘ relations within the community , between different groups , are significantly outside the control of the police ’ .
19 Surveys of galaxies show large voids with virtually nothing in them , and filaments and walls made up of clusters and superclusters .
20 From this high moral ground the army had expected to challenge the record of human-rights abuses during its 17 years in power that has been compiled by a ‘ commission for truth and reconciliation ’ made up of seven lawyers from across the political spectrum .
21 This proposes that a force made up of soldiers from Pacific countries be invited to Bougainville to restore peace .
22 But one or two others will be multinational corps made up of three of four national divisions .
23 He had found himself trapped in a room with doors made up of huge , sliding slabs of rock all round it .
24 The most that Europe can hope to achieve , or should aim for , is an expanded economic free trade area made up of sovereign states all contributing to a cultural diversity that is economically stable and ecologically sustainable .
25 It was also suggested that some sort of ‘ Irish dimension ’ ( to borrow the term of the 1980s ) be institutionalized by the creation of a Council of Ireland made up of representatives of the Westminster and Dublin parliaments and members from the to-be-created Stormont ‘ Assembly ’ .
26 Political honours have to pass the scrutiny of a committee made up of Lords Shackleton , Pym and Grimond , a team scrupulously chosen to represent the three main strands of opinion in parliament , and each of them himself the recipient of a life peerage at an earlier date .
27 A notorious critic of Hollywood , he justified taking the job by declaring he would break the stranglehold of the agents , who tied the studios up with pre-wrapped packages made up of their own clients : stars , writers and directors .
28 In true spy fashion , there is also a mysterious third man , Brian Litman , a Hollywood-based producer and agent who has signed up the Foreign Intelligence Veterans Association , a fraternal association in Moscow of 500 old spies made up of retirees from the former Soviet secret service .
29 The EC does not believe that recognition will be a panacea for Bosnia , the tinderbox of the First World War and a patchwork of warring groups made up of 60 per cent Muslims , 30 per cent Serbs and 20 per cent Croats .
30 The leadership will be decided by an electoral college made up of trade unions , MPs and constituency parties .
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