Example sentences of "to make up the " in BNC.

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1 But it has to be said ( it has to be said ! ) wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , typing , smiled to himself , it has to be said , wrote Harsnet , that if every project is likely , if not certain , to result in the addition of a little more shit to the shit that already exists , there is also the possibility , faint it is true but real , of the unexpected , and this is what delay makes possible and what the onward rush of time , the ever-increasing acceleration of time , perpetually denies , and in addition to the possibility of the unexpected appearing in the coils of delay , in addition to that , it has to be said , he wrote , that whatever the project , however trivial , however exalted , it will always say more than its maker knows , and , if genuine ( I will return to genuine ) , something will emerge which is distinct from whatever came before , from whatever elements went to make up the whole , a tone , a voice , which is not the tone or the voice of the maker but something else , something which , in my more optimistic moments , or perhaps my less clear-sighted moments , seems to be distinct from the shit though inseparable from it , a tone , a style , which links it to its maker 's other genuine ( I will return to genuine ) productions .
2 I went to see them about this but they told me it was up to the social security people to make up the difference .
3 The parish schoolmasters are to make up the lists , and I am sure they will oblige .
4 The media helped to make up the minds of those who were newly interested in politics , or unusually interested in politics , interested in the election but not very interested in politics generally .
5 In the next few years there will be fewer young people and these tend to make up the majority of staff in many outlets , so caterers — and particularly the large chains — will come to rely more on automation in the near future . ’
6 The Met Office regards last summer as one of those exceptions from the norm which go to make up the typical British weather rather than some trend for the future .
7 Throughout the first three decades of our post-imperial era , equipment-cost inflation has outstripped monetary inflation , and there has been insufficient growth in the British economy to make up the difference .
8 Then we would fling ourselves upon each other at all hours of the day and night make love upon the unmade bed , for often we refused to let the maid in to make up the room :
9 Which reminds me that the Jocks — I mean the real guardsmen who arrived from England this morning to make up the complement , not you phoney chaps , are going to be given their first lesson this afternoon .
10 But Soviet deputy farm minister N Averyanov said they would find it difficult to make up the deficit from imports because of the lack of hard currency .
11 In the ancient world these dies were engraved by hand , but from the early medieval period punches began to be hammered into the die to make up the designs .
12 On the day the portrait was to be exported to a private gallery in the United States , an Englishwoman telegraphed from a resort in Germany offering to make up the balance of £40,000 .
13 They include current selection theory describing the mechanisms of biological change , accounts of animal studies that provide evidence concerning the psychobiological ‘ platform ’ from which human life ascended , inferences from infrahuman primates and other animals to man , and finally a treatment of the evolution of the component faculties that go to make up the human mind .
14 In a year when the annual quantity required ( 207,461,000 cu. ft. ) is balanced by adequate rainfall then the storage must be such as to make up the supply during the relatively dry period .
15 So the fishermen fish even harder , to make up the catches they need to keep their vessels at sea .
16 You now have the necessary items to make up the patient 's stock bottle in the consulting room .
17 It is possible to cut a more readily available 86/88 inch Series One roof and fit a new piece of aluminium to the middle to make up the difference , but this is not really a perfect solution .
18 So Hinkley C and two further stations would be needed to make up the shortfall .
19 Because of the limits on income support payments there is increasing evidence of a shortfall between benefit levels and home fees , with resulting pressure on individual residents and their families to make up the deficit .
20 Relatives of people living in care homes can be expected to make up the difference between the amount of benefit and the charges actually levied by by the home .
21 Latent inhibition training can be expected , therefore , to establish a network of associations among the component parts that go to make up the stimulus .
22 The novel proves that knowledge is possible , but also that it is in a sense artificial : it does not come from the past , historical knowledge in particular can not simply be uncovered , laid bare and put out to view ( or rather , the novelist can no longer create the illusion that the past is speaking for itself ) ; it is a construction of the past , and the reader is conscious of , and in compliance with , the careful disposition and organization of the disparate elements that go to make up the whole edifice .
23 Among the shields are those of Bohemia , Moravia , Silesia and Upper and Lower Lusatia , the states that went to make up the lands of Bohemia .
24 This aims to produce an annual income looking fifty years ahead which must be sufficient to make up the operating deficit .
25 Even looking around the kitchen in order to make up the shopping lists is a task involving observation , forward thinking and memory .
26 I 'm just trying to keep his feet on the ground and try to make up the yardage , but Lee hits out of the bunker and thinks it has all left him .
27 All the rest of us are just here to make up the numbers . ’
28 These are mixes which are designed for the horse owner who still wants to feed traditionally ie oats etc , but wants to make up the deficiencies with a specific mix .
29 Coal is likely to make up the largest part of UK energy demand in the year 2000 at 32% , slightly more than oil at 30% .
30 Concern was expressed over the failure of Cala Homes to make up the roads to serve their new houses .
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