Example sentences of "to make for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Generalisations are , however , difficult to make for a region which is so diverse due to altitudinal changes and considerable climatic variation .
2 Superbly intelligent and well-crafted on record , surfing along upon churning , chiming guitars , Chadwick 's crew have proved unpredictable enough onstage to make for a compelling night out .
3 Controllers urged him to make for a remote runway which would take him over fields and small villages .
4 Over eighty years of drama , mirth and high endeavour are chronicled here through the memories of pilots , stewardesses , ground crews , customs officers and the like combining to make for a highly interesting , and funny , read .
5 They had decided to make for a small river valley in which there was an isolated church reached by a footpath across fields .
6 It was n't any use going back to the shop now ; she would phone Myra , then she would get down to designing the bridesmaids ' dresses that would match the bride 's gown she was commissioned to make for a big wedding in the autumn .
7 While castles might be obtained by purchase , and exchanged to make for a more judicious distribution geographically , they had also to be manned with troops .
8 I decided to make for the orchard and the safety of my own trench .
9 Anyway that thought decided me to make for the bedroom but I was late starting and had only just reached the top of the stairs when he was half-way up with the big brown teapot held in his pelting position .
10 Realizing that there was little chance of getting into such a defended area undetected , they decided to make for the rendezvous , contenting themselves with placing their bombs on vehicles parked for the night alongside the road .
11 It was by then too late to make for the safety of the mountains , and the scattered groups of jeeps had to hide as best they could at the foot of the escarpment .
12 Ray began to make for the door .
13 If a cat enters a room where several people are talking , it is very likely to make for the one person there who has an abnormal fear of felines .
14 But there 's even more to disagree with , particularly in the suggested preparations we are told to make for the forthcoming holocaust .
15 No sooner has a toddler begun to make for the water 's edge than heads turn and adults prepare to go to the rescue .
16 When he set out today it had been his intention to make for the hills bordering the Golden Valley , but when he got through Blakemere the sweat was dripping from his chin and the sight of a stream tinkling its way not three yards from the road automatically brought his legs off the pedals .
17 This has a shuffling joss-sticky booga-booga spook beat and a strange haircut ; this is the record that Pop Will Eat Itself have been trying to make for the past 24 months , the grinning idiot love-child of Mr Desmond Drugmusic and Mrs Winnie Indiewhine brought up in a radical lesbian commune in Vancouver , Canada and fed on a diet of black pudding and Ecstasy .
18 No one had any comment to make for the excellent reason that everyone had already been convinced of the fact .
19 When on two occasions Ewen turned to make for the open sea , Neil , increasing our speed slightly , held on to what looked like a collision course .
20 In the event the vast majority continued to make for the seaside resorts in the area , leaving the conservationists to fend off the more predatory designs of farmers and water authorities .
21 Some part of her tried to convince her to make for the door , but she knew they would expect that .
22 Instead of making directly for it , I followed a track that seemed to make for the Foulness road , about half a mile beyond the village or hamlet marked as Crabtree Wick .
23 In one sense it 's part of every man 's dream at some time or other — to make for the country and live off and in nature .
24 She started as though to make for the front door , but Mr Hunter held up a hand to stop her .
25 It was a relief therefore to make for the frozen shore where the parson was protesting that his wife would be safer and more comfortable if she remained in the carriage .
26 ‘ On the other hand , if you 've allowed yourself to be persuaded either by Lotta 's silver tongue or her golden purse to attempt to defraud me — then your best course of action now would be to make for the door before I remember that the blood of the ancient Vikings still runs in my veins ! ’
27 She beat down a gush of self-pity , knuckling away tears as she slid gingerly from the bed to make for the bathroom again .
28 ‘ Do n't worry about that , ’ he said dismissively , and focused his attention on the traffic of Haverfordwest as he skirted the town to make for the road to Carmarthen .
29 IF you like to feel at one with nature when you are having a tipple , you could do a lot worse than to make for the upstairs bar in the Shaftesbury Inn on Belfast 's Antrim Road .
30 11am The Government Commissioners came on board to ask every person if they had any complaints to make for the treatment during the voyage .
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