Example sentences of "to make the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Modest measures to help the long-term unemployed back to work are laudable in all but their modesty ; they do little to make the employed feel more secure .
2 The combined effect of these ‘ taxes ’ was to make the stamped press an expensive commodity , thereby restricting its circulation , and to make the ‘ unstamped ’ press , i.e. those newspapers which refused to pay the duties , illegal and so subject to punitive measures .
3 Do you find that you are only able to make the minimum payments on your credit cards ?
4 The Unionist government would try to make the minimum concessions and strong pressure would have to be put on it :
5 John Smith 's always made clear that he wanted to make the minimum number of changes to his shadow cabinet and with the exception of John Prescot 's move , he 's shown his determination to do that by making the minimum number of changes .
6 Conservative legal reforms form an accurate mapped-out policy , designed to make the rich richer , remove from society those who are not economically useful , and idealise law , order and the family .
7 Were the tax cuts designed to make the rich richer ?
8 I beg to move , That this House , noting that the ten million people today living on or below the income support level of less than £40 a week for an adult represent the greatest numbers in poverty in Britain since the war , and that the Government has as a deliberate policy over twelve years further impoverished the poorest one third of the nation to make the rich richer , calls on the Government to reverse its policies of increasing poverty and unemployment and to give priority to the growing millions excluded from the rights and opportunities of real citizenship by increasing pensions by £5 per week for a single pensioner and by £8 a week for a married couple , by re-instituting the pension link with earnings which the Government broke twelve years ago , and by restoring to families the losses in child benefit from three years of government freeze .
9 There are two kinds of Scotch Whisky : malt whisky , used as an essential ingredient in the creation of blended whiskies , or bottled as single malt ; and grain whisky , combined with malt whisky to make the famous blends .
10 Some expert clauses seek to make the appointing authority ( or its president ) responsible for ensuring the expert has suitable qualifications .
11 There are swift pinnaces and hefty red-sailed fishing-boats , merchant sailing ships with bulging , round prows , the astonishing variety of barge , skiff and rowing-boat , each with its own long-hallowed design , each with its own name , which even within living memory used to make the Grand Canal a perpetual exhibition of traditional ship-building .
12 Medical evidence would be relevant only to establish whether what the doctor did was deemed acceptable medical practice to make the dying patient comfortable .
13 His Highnesse the Prince of Orange ( whom it hath pleased Almighty God to make the glorious Instrument of delivering this Kingdom from Popery and Arbitrary Power ) Did ( by the advice of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and divers principall persons of the Commons ) Cause Letters to be written to the Lords Spirituall and Temporall being Protestants and other Letters to the several Count yes Citties Universities Burroughs and Cinqe Ports for the chuseing of such persons to represent them as were of right to be sent to Parliament to meet and sitt at Westminster upon the two and twentieth day of January in this Year 1688 in order to such an establishment as that their Religion Lawes and Libertyes might not againe be in danger of being subverted .
14 Every cake has a large full-colour photograph and helpful step-by-step illustrations to make the various recipe stages even clearer .
15 Sharpe shouted in his best Sergeant 's voice , and the sight and sound of his anger was enough to make the elegant couples shrink away from him .
16 Any hits scored will automatically wound , there is no need to make the usual strength against toughness roll .
17 And Maastricht promises to make the Europe-machine turn still faster because it pre-emptively convokes the next set of constitutional talks for 1996 .
18 In practice , of course , the actual amount we lend will depend on your ability to make the regular monthly repayments without putting a strain on your finances .
19 Real people making real pledges to make the real difference in their own lives .
20 They 're the sort of women who are needed to make the real changes .
21 Then on a Tuesday , they used to make the black puddings , the plonney the scratchings , the potted meat , and they used to come on sale .
22 He used to make the black and whites and the black coats with a silk stripe ; and I quite thought they were costermongers until I went to help a friend of mine — she kept a public house — and I met quite a lot of them there .
23 Enraged , drunk , freezing and unutterably miserable I left to make the 200 mile trip home .
24 To make the weak interactions ‘ look ’ the same , they introduced new particles W + and W - .
25 With all the crowding work , and a little pleasure , too , I would have written to you yesterday , only I partly feared to , because I had a proposal to make , which it would have been unseemly to make the apparent cause of my haste .
26 Black Wolf he was called , and there was nothing he would not do to make the Russian Empire the greatest the world had ever known .
27 Moreover , these often troublesome missions did little to make the Russian government better informed about the countries to which they went .
28 A solution is to make the following adjustments and stick to them for a few days while the body clock follows the lead given by your altered life-style .
29 In the Cox Report we repeated the first sentence quoted above from Kingman and went on to make the following recommendation :
30 To conclude on such a vast subject as this is not easy but I would like to make the following points .
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