Example sentences of "get at the " in BNC.

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1 I was proud of getting accepted , particularly at St Martin 's because it was such a good art school , but Fine Art seemed a fast road to nowhere What kind of job can you get at the end of that ?
2 Given the substantial gap in standards between Scottish club rugby and the international arena , the Scots , who do not play their next game until February 3 , clearly need all the match practice they can get at the highest competitive level .
3 Furthermore , and perhaps more importantly from the point of view of answering the sceptics , even though we can not directly get at the hidden real natures of things , perhaps our knowledge of appearances will enable us to do so indirectly .
4 Now she placed the obstacle of her nose between Anwar and Changez so that neither could get at the other .
5 This lets you get at the information without having to understand anything about databases and without having to wade through reams of data .
6 I ca n't get at the underside of my staircase ; how can I fix loose treads from above ?
7 This fellowship does not of course embrace Rome ; in Pilgrim 's Progress , Christian encounters Giant Pope , old and biting his nails because he can not get at the pilgrims , and mumbling to them , ‘ You will never mend till more of you be burned . ’
8 So the only way they can get at the crees is through the west field and along the path here . ’
9 He does not get at the pain ‘ outwardly ’ ( by the use of hands , eyes , and so on ) , but ‘ inwardly ’ .
10 In short , do we get at the concepts of trumping and revoking through attending to our feelings , or through attending to the use , in the game , of the trump-cards ?
11 She had a feeling it was in that carpet-bag , but could n't get at the bag .
12 The reactions of an educated élite , the study of whose reading matter has so often given social and cultural historians their main access to the past , no longer remains the only documentation by which we can get at the culture of ‘ the common man ’ .
13 A happy theatre a happy ship if you like a corny phrase to use is very very apparent and I 'm sure my colleagues and friends around here would appreciate because they do believe they ca n't get at the management committee and they would like to so please Tom will that be possible at some time in the near future ?
14 No , they it 's the council collects it and in Uttlesford , that 's why I said we should get at the same time an Uttlesford councillor because I would
15 There are two ways in which you can get at the money in your High Interest Cheque Account , whenever you want , without losing any interest .
16 As an advocate of the STV has observed , if an MP is " forced by the system to spend his working hours worrying about the number of first-preference votes he will get at the next election , and many of his sleeping hours dreaming about them , he or she will work harder than ever for constituents ' "
17 If you have to make a supply decision , how do you get at the necessary data ?
18 It helps us get at the meaning behind the lecturer 's words .
19 At least , that 's the feeling I get at the best of my poetry-reading moments .
20 How does one get at the identities of and relationships between disciplines in the actual curriculum ?
21 No , the only way the Seven could get at The New Hope would be to try to blow it out of the sky from below .
22 Our problem is we ca n't get at the buyers .
23 You do n't get at the menu commands by pressing Alt , as in Windows , for example — you need the F10 key .
24 The ceilings were so low that one wonders how anyone could get at the carding machines to clean them .
25 The result is as many blank pages as Ventura can build into the current chapter and you ca n't get at the tagged block of text to de-select it !
26 And how long did you get at the end of the quarter to pay this ?
27 Someone who could get at the soup , too .
28 ‘ So we ca n't get at the marriage certificate , ’ George brooded .
29 to let the plumber get at the water-main .
30 How much money they 're gon na have and how much presents you 're gon na get at the wedding and how many guests you 're gon na get .
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