Example sentences of "to make up to " in BNC.

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1 I 've got some stamps , enough to make up to ninepence .
2 SHEARSON Lehman , the securities house , has sparked fears of a fresh wave of job cuts on Wall Street with a decision to make up to 800 employees redundant .
3 Cameraman Phillip Bonham-Carter , a favourite of the Queen , stands to make up to Pounds 100,000 from repeat fees and payments from foreign news organisations each time the shots are shown .
4 The England squad , hoping to make up to £5,000 each , in fact earned only £1,000 from their much-publicised ‘ Run With The Ball ’ scheme .
5 A way for you to make up to me for murder . ’
6 ‘ I 'm sure your wrong , ’ said Anna , but she remembered how Maria Jakob had said that if the money was not forthcoming she must think of something else , a way to make up to her for Melusina 's death , and she had not meant a donation to the Cats ' Protection League .
7 Cecilia was willing to do anything to make up to Tina for the deprivations of her childhood , though what these deprivations were she hardly knew .
8 In 1815 he returned to Karlovci to collect material for a second song book , which later inspired a glowing review from Jakob Grimm , in which he compared the Serbian love songs to Solomon 's Song of Songs and wrote that the ‘ Serbs are by virtue of their language … the most blessed with poems , songs and stories , and it looks as if the good God had , by this rich gift of popular poetry , wished to make up to them for their lack of books . ’
9 For example , by the drinks table Bill Muggeridge seemed to be trying to make up to Mrs Crumwallis .
10 But I was so proud of my beautiful daughter , and I wanted to make up to you for the years we lost before I met your mama again ; I wanted you to have the best of everything , and I thought that that was what I was giving you .
11 That was when she 'd first decided to try to make up to her father for what he 'd lost .
12 If the proposed buy-out of RJR Nabisco had gone ahead , the seven top executives would have stood to make up to $3 billion .
13 They are trying to suggest that erm , somehow this year we 're cutting the police budget , he seems to have forgotten that last year when he was chairman of the police authority , a three hundred thousand pound cut , a genuine cut was made in the police authority budget , budgets were cut to make up to make up to that three hundred thousand , at the discretion of the Chief Constable , and to the credit of Mrs , and her other colleagues in the police committee , virtually no attempt was made to make political capital at that time , instead of which now , when all we 've seen is a request for the Chief Constable to defer proposed new spending , all of a sudden this is presented as a cut .
14 The FA Cup/League Championship ‘ double ’ set he won as a 19-year-old forward with Arsenal will be sold together and is likely to make up to £8,000 .
15 ‘ Managers at Darlington Memorial Hospital are currently wrestling with how to make up to £1.5m in cuts .
16 It could mean that over the coming 18 months Edinburgh University will have to make up to 40 staff redundant , because of the lack of progress with the scheme .
17 They confirmed to make up to a thousand different messages You know that Chinese shop in Woking ?
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