Example sentences of "seen as one " in BNC.

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1 Mr Lawson 's speech to a City banquet at the Mansion House next week is seen as one occasion on which new policies -possibly even a step towards full EMS membership — could be outlined .
2 This is still seen as one of the most important events in the history of mankind .
3 Indeed , it is fair to say that the chemical industry is seen as one of the worst polluters .
4 The creation of formalised ( specialised ) pastoral systems can be seen as one of the most limiting aspects of school organisation .
5 The two are not distinct — development of management knowledge bases in this area may of itself be seen as one of the prerequisites and/or pressure points leading toward structural review and change .
6 For this reason alone , the introduction of Lates to Lake Victoria may soon be seen as one of the great biological disasters of the twentieth century .
7 Without making excessive claims , the emphasis on particular trees , fruits , and plants , can be seen as one of several points at which this slight poem connects with physical and historical reality .
8 The interior and garden should be seen as one great theatrical whole .
9 Skinhead violence may be seen as one response to such changes in society .
10 If we analyse the street-comer activity of doing nothing in groups in the light of always hoping that something will happen , then the creation and the putting into effect of ‘ ideas ’ by the group can be seen as one of the most significant group experiences .
11 Thus while capitalism 's crisis was seen as one of decline , he viewed the Soviet crisis as the result of growth .
12 Experience tells me that attacks on pornography quickly become attacks on the whole of lesbian and gay culture because the two are seen as one and the same .
13 W.J. White tells us that the ‘ decline of the embalming practice may be seen as one aspect of transitional funerary modes in fifteenth century England ’ .
14 But the first real headhunting boom began in the late 1970s and early 1980s , when the recession really began to bite ; executive search may be seen as one of the few industries which grew in this period .
15 In recent years , the abuse of children by those charged with their care and protection has come to be seen as one of the major social problems of modern societies .
16 It went ahead later on such a scale and at such a pace that it can now be seen as one of the most important facts of modem history .
17 This is a point of some pride in Nuln where the bridge is seen as one of the great marvels of the Old World .
18 The delivery of quality support services is seen as one of the main purchasing criteria for new systems , according to the report .
19 For managers at the top of the hierarchy the capacity to conceptualize has been seen as one of the predictors of managerial success .
20 The pleasure principle would then be seen as one form of the more fundamental Nirvana principle .
21 Although this could in theory apply to any subject ( history , for example , may , in certain circumstances be taught with strong classification and framing , or with weak classification and framing ) , it might also be seen as one of the central features of the arts/science divide .
22 It must also be seen as one interpretation of that theory : Marx 's extensive writings have been variously interpreted and , since his death , several schools of Marxism have developed .
23 Because of his fully integrated and flowing plans , his fitted furniture , and his stripped exteriors , Scott has often been seen as one of the fathers of Modernism .
24 Consequently , he proposed that the reporting unit should be defined as the fund and that organizations should be seen as one fund or a series of funds .
25 In its beginnings , therefore , modern nationalism can be seen as one aspect of a class movement which found political expression in a general struggle for democracy ; manifesting itself most clearly in the American Revolution — interpreted by some scholars as the formation of the ‘ first new nation ’ ( Lipset , 1967 ) — and in the French Revolution , which together established the model of a new kind of political system embodying the ideas of ‘ citizenship ’ and ‘ popular sovereignty ’ .
26 Among groups who believed the structures and orders of the Church — both Roman and English — had , from antiquity , polluted the immediacy of the ‘ Everlasting Gospel ’ , formal literary language and highly organised stylistic expression were viewed with suspicion , and were frequently seen as one more medium through which God 's truth had been fouled .
27 In a statement issued on Sept. 25 he argued that " not all hostels are associated with violence and the problem should properly be seen as one of criminality in a limited number of hostels " .
28 The pact is widely seen as one of the environmental fruits of glasnost in the Soviet Union .
29 Regional fishing organisations to police catches are seen as one possible answer , although the existing North Atlantic Fisheries Organisation has failed to protect stocks from over-exploitation .
30 " Transparency " — ie , the rapid publication of prices quoted and/or traded — is seen as one of the main benefits of on-exchange business .
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