Example sentences of "seen from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 THE newly-found Aarseth-Brewington comet should brighten rapidly this month as it sweeps southwards through Ophiuchus in our morning sky , perhaps to become a naked eye object before it dips too far south to be seen from Britain .
2 THE newly-found Aarseth-Brewington comet should brighten rapidly this month as it sweeps southwards through Ophiuchus in our morning sky , perhaps to become a naked eye object before it dips too far south to be seen from Britain .
3 By tomorrow night ( Friday ) it will be too far south to be easily seen from Britain , as it heads towards its closest point to the Sun on Saturday week .
4 It adjoins Vela and Pyxis , and is always very low as seen from Britain ; part of it does not rise at all .
5 Unfortunately it is too far south to be properly seen from Britain or the northern United States , but when high up it is truly impressive , and it is easy to conjure up the picture of a scorpion from the long line of bright stars , with the ‘ head ’ and the ‘ sting ’ .
6 In the ‘ sting ’ ( never easily seen from England and the northern United States , and not at all from Scotland ) Lesath and Shaula give the impression of being a very wide pair , but they are not associated ; of the two Lesath is much the more luminous and remote .
7 As seen from Japan , United States strength remains formidable in several fields , not least in aerospace and computers .
8 From Britain and the northern United States Fomalhaut is always very low down ; but when near the zenith , as seen from countries south of the equator , it is very prominent — particularly because there are no other bright stars anywhere near it .
9 On this analysis the contract will always be governed by the standard conditions attached to the last genuine counter-offer to pass between the parties , although ( as seen from Butler ) this may not actually be the last document to pass between the parties .
10 Picketing — or , as he has it , ‘ picquetting ’ — he considered an ‘ abominable tyranny ’ , not yet revolution , even as seen from Peel 's Home Office in 1830 , but well on the way to it .
11 ‘ I 'd better not waste any more time , ’ she added , pushing the door open and going through , finding herself at an entrance to the dock area that she had seen from Froebe 's office .
12 As seen from statistics provided in Table 13 , the pattern of this relationship assumes a " J " shape ( i.e. , lower at second that at first order and inclining progressively thereafter ) in the developed countries , and tends towards a " J " or " U " form in some developing countries for which data are shown .
13 Fig. 11 North Uist seen from North Lee 23 June 1978 ( A. Currie )
14 Indeed these two characteristics are all that is needed in the case of the adjective ; the relative clause is in a sense a stalking horse , convenient in that it is more tangible than the relation around which it is built , but unnecessary , and awkward in that it brings with it , in English , the requirement that it must express a tense ; for while it is often possible to read a tense into an adjective there is no reason whatever to suppose that there is always some particular tense present to the mind of the speaker but suppressed , as can be seen from instances like ( 35 ) , where more than one tense could plausibly be grafted onto the sense expressed by the phrase underlined , or , just as well , some adverbial notion like " because " or " if " without any specific tense being implied : ( 35 ) motorists guilty will have to pay heavy fines Likewise , the buildings adjacent of example ( 17 ) simply take their tense from that of the clause as a whole ; if , for instance , we were to switch the tense of the verb in that example in order to shift the whole situation to past time : ( 36 ) the buildings adjacent were closed for three days it would be quite unnecessary to presume that an independent mental re-assignment of tense , from present to past , internal to the phrase buildings adjacent , has to take place as well .
15 Hail and sleet showers swept over the ridge , and the Torridon giants , which rose as distant black battlements when seen from Meallan nan Euan , had changed to seemingly nearer whitewashed walls by the time I 'd dropped and climbed .
16 In daylight they are only to be seen from ships at sea , when the two smaller petrels appear all dark birds with white rumps as they flutter and dance across the waves .
17 In a sentence such as ( 1b ) not only does did situate its lexical supplement ( eat ) in time like any other auxiliary , but it also evokes all the time necessary to actualize the infinitive 's lexeme and so produces a representation of an event seen from beginning to end as something that really takes its place in time .
18 For example , it gave news of ships in peril that could be seen from Fanefjord but not from Elmelunde ; of fires raging in the forest near Magleby that could not be seen at Børre ; of women in labour , requiring the services of a midwife .
19 The other people in the restaurant , who might at other times have had stringent thoughts about race , or about white women publicly embracing black men ( or at least , not with such total lack of self-consciousness ) , were subdued — it could be seen from faces that showed tendencies to laugh too without reason to the demand of the occasion , which was for a total and uncritical abandon to happiness .
20 S. O. Letterman has something similar in mind , a re-creation of colonial Africa , as seen from Santa Monica Boulevard .
21 Red-necked Grebes have been recorded in every month from August to May , but most are seen from October to February .
22 The reason for raising here the complexities of inflation , and savings as an alternative , is that as can be seen from Appendix 1 .
23 This was as crushing a demonstration as we have seen from Senna and McLaren-Honda .
24 Lettering of front panel , as seen from driver 's seat , and ‘ dummy ’ connecting lead from rear of the unit .
25 Remember that it was designed to be seen from 20ft below and back .
26 In this case , as can be seen from BRS , all is not lost .
27 Are all your expensive goods easily seen from windows ?
28 Seen from close-to , the columns were peeling ; they were also heavily stained with pigeon crap .
29 This is Lawrence 's , er Lawrence seven overs , nought to thirty-four and we have n't seen from Lewis yet .
30 Rostov the Great , Moscow , one of the many sites to be seen from Anna Karenina
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