Example sentences of "seen in the " in BNC.

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1 It is seen in The Facts to belong to the times in which the writer lived when he wrote the novel , when opposition to the Vietnam War , and to a President Johnson perceived as monstrous , took to the street-wisdom of a farcical obscenity .
2 Drama school productions are staged with an awareness of the kind of demands the profession will make , and students are naturally anxious to be seen in the final production by people who 're likely to offer them work .
3 As will be seen in the next chapter , when the republican wing under de Valera took over as the Fianna Fáil party in the 1930s , constitutional law was restructured , according to both a reformed republican ideology and current Roman social teaching , and in those areas where the high clergy thought it necessary .
4 As will be seen in the remaining chapters , a particular form of Irish catholicism known as monopoly catholicism has assisted in the concrete success of the mix of the beliefs with economic beliefs in capitalism , ownership of land , and inheritance , helping to bring the elements to an explicit formulation in the 1937 Irish constitution , which has ever since shown considerable resistance to reformulation .
5 A significant aspect of the religious hegemonic role can be seen in the translation of religious preoccupations into law via the concept of natural law .
6 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , the distance between London and Brighton is not very great , and you have even been seen in the vicinity of Brighton , so why not call in on an old friend ?
7 The visual result can be seen in the accompanying illustration of Watneys ' Crown at Haddiscoe in Norfolk : two-dimensional windows with flat , reflectant glass and sham glazing-bar strips which wholly fail to capture the depth and character of the original openings .
8 This approach to design could formerly be seen in the Public Bar of the White Swan , Bradford Street , Deritend , Birmingham ( owned by Allied 's Ansells division ) .
9 The physical mark of this is to be seen in the indentation between the upper lip and the nose .
10 There was very little of his own faith to be seen in the city , even if he had wished to become involved .
11 This move from nominalism about the extra-mental to nominalism about mental acts can be seen in the development from Descartes to Locke and Berkeley , or , perhaps , in the contrast between such continental rationalists as Descartes , Malebranche and Leibnitz on the one hand , and British philosophers from Bacon and Hobbes on the other .
12 Saad 's family rushed to try and have their revenge on the witness who had announced the news like someone possessed , and who cared less about Saad 's death than about convincing the whole community of what he had seen in the hut that burning noonday .
13 The head , body and arms rise upwards and outwards in all the happy emotions as can be seen in the final dances of The Sleeping Beauty , La Fille Mal Gardée and Daphnis and Chloë .
14 Massine 's brilliant use of descriptive and narrative gestures in The Three-Cornered Hat was a proper development of Fokine 's mimed dance and danced mime , first seen in The Firebird and Petrushka .
15 New wood must be fine sanded and if an orbital sander has been used , it is essential that the final sanding is done by hand with the grain , otherwise small circular marks will be seen in the finish .
16 The talks should be seen in the context of previous meetings in recent years between the ANC and Afrikaner verligtes .
17 The acceptable face of striking was seen in the League of Ireland yesterday , when Galway ( 'We 're going to Derry to attack' ) kept their word — and lost 9-1 .
18 How much better it would be for ministers to be seen in the constituencies giving us the ammunition we need to fight on the doorsteps . ’
19 But Gary Marsh , head of research with the Halifax , the UK 's biggest building society , says it is inevitable that the modest improvement seen in the market over the last couple of months — especially in the South , where sellers have started to adjust to more realistic levels — will be damaged and the date of its recovery put back .
20 It was seen in the last chapter how minority ethnic and religious strands in the Smolensk guberniia presented a potential , though not an actual , source of unified protest against the central Great-Russian regime .
21 Their diverse origins can be seen in the microcosm of Nikol'skaia volost' alone .
22 As late as 1926 this general pattern , though subject to some exceptions , is clearly observable , as will be seen in the case-studies of Tver guberniia and Kazakhstan .
23 The largest army in the world was recruited mainly from the peasantry , and , as has been seen in the provinces , the party still relied heavily in 1922 on ex-army men to act as leaven among the ‘ dark people ’ .
24 After forming the core of a post-war consensus for over three decades since the Attlee period , the bitter legacy of the old order was now seen in the uncollected refuse bins and undug graves which popular credence ( somewhat exaggeratedly ) identified with ‘ the winter of discontent ’ .
25 Seen in the accompanying picture , they are : Back row , from left , Stan Cape , Ken Munday , Harry Eccles , Albert Daubney and Bill Sammonds ; front , Ray Darney , Charlie Chase and Don Clarkson .
26 Eliot 's interest in human animals , seen in the quatrain poems , intensifies in The Waste Land .
27 It is yet another part of the cycle of fertility which is seen in The Waste Land as a torturing cage .
28 Almost any of these writers might have supplied , for instance , details of the importance of the wind in primitive supernatural beliefs , but the idea of ‘ the wind 's singing ’ is also a prime romantic conceit , as seen in the ‘ gentle breeze ’ which wafts through The Prelude , or in the notion of the Aeolian harp .
29 The tone here mocks both anthropology and the related theories of racial purity ( as seen in the work of Frobenius ) which were coming to the fore at that time .
30 We would spend the afternoon re-enacting in the parking lot behind the apartment what we had seen in the morning on the screen .
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