Example sentences of "seen in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Birds have been seen in every month except June and August , and commonly make prolonged stays .
2 Until then , he was seen in every glossy place around the coasts of Europe , gambling , sailing his expensive yacht , entertaining the rich and famous and surrounded by beautiful women . ’
3 Her interest has been aroused by some new paintings which she has seen in a SoHo gallery , which a friend has compared unfavourably with the work of Lee Krasner .
4 Ours was now a multiple reality and our structural ambivalence can be illustrated by one example when one of the squad created a blazer badge in heraldic style ( although we could never have been seen in a blazer at this time when faded denim was the order of the day ) .
5 Such a huge margin of victory has rarely been seen in a tournament of this class .
6 ‘ Many Americans who drive luxury European imports simply would n't be seen in a Cadillac or Lincoln . ’
7 There is an opposing view , that the marketing process should be seen in a rather different way .
8 Its object is concerned with inflation , with preventing or restraining a general fall in the value of money , as seen in a general rise in prices — however difficult it may be to attach a precise concept to a ‘ general rise ’ in prices .
9 Ash-Wednesday 's ‘ dry rock ’ is seen in a way which makes possible a spiritual pilgrimage apparently impossible in The Waste Land .
10 But for Eliot now the choice was not between civilized and primitive society but between Christian , non-Christian , and anti-Christian orders.a Anthropology links with Conrad to counter the optimistic vision of a modern noble savagery , but the whole is seen in a new , explicitly Christian framework .
11 They are seen in a partisan perspective , a perception that limits the extent of their popular appeal .
12 It has also been seen in a more subtle form in the moves in Sierra Leone in the 1970s and Liberia in the 1980s by the ‘ truly indigenous ’ or tribal population to take economic power away from the creole population which had been active in trading and business for more than a century .
13 Such arrangements have to be seen in a wider context .
14 The act of faith consisted of believing that the visible contained hidden secrets , that to study the visible was to learn something more than could be seen in a glance .
15 Figure 5.14 shows a panel of gold filigree work from an eighth-century Irish paten as seen in a scanning electron microscope .
16 Some preventive rules , together with endangerment offences , can be seen in a variety of other situations , but nowhere is there such a detailed and fairly widely known set of standards as that applicable to drivers on the roads .
17 As the martyr is , literally , detached from the place of his martyrdom and made present wherever his relics have become the centre of a cult , so relics begin to be seen in a new way .
18 Hitler was increasingly the war-lord , at first seen in a positive and ‘ heroic ’ sense , but later more and more in terms of an unyielding , scarcely human harshness which was out of touch with the interests and problems of ordinary people .
19 In the face of mounting defeats , personal losses , misery , and sacrifice , Hitler 's earlier successes began to be seen in a new light , and he was now increasingly blamed for policies which had led to the war , and for his failure to terminate the war and produce the desired peace .
20 The identification of Hitler with the ‘ struggle against the Jews ’ was most probably seen in a more positive light by the far wider sections of the population , who , though never rabid or violent anti-Semites , had accepted the basic justification of discrimination and expulsion of Jews , and who were largely persuaded of the responsibility of world Jewry for the war .
21 This may be seen in a certain gaiety under saddle , or a continual alertness that is n't anxiety , or in exuberant air-borne paces with tail hoisted high .
22 Certainly , the multi-studio techniques used for the famous 1959 Decca Aida were meat and drink to Karajan ; and although he sometimes thought he knew more than he did , occasionally putting paid to expensive equipment , his mastery was of an order not previously seen in a working musician .
23 JAPAN has opened its own version of Summerhill , the ‘ progressive ’ school whose pupils were seen in a television documentary last week fighting , screaming , swearing and — it seemed — never going to classes .
24 Nicest bars I 've seen in a long time . ’
25 The first Sydney station , as seen in a print of 1855 , was a one-platformed wooden barn .
26 But , like the National Health Service , education could be seen in a different light .
27 It is now to be seen in a deserted spot , not actually by the river but not far from it , on high ground by a little-used minor road .
28 The well-worn cliché that the police are only a reflection of the society they serve , can be seen in a different light .
29 Nevertheless to consider the National Curriculum as a list of subjects runs the danger of expressing it in a way which over-emphasises information and a narrow range of skills at the expense of the development of a full range of socially useful skills , attitudes and ideas , which is usually the concern of interested parents and can even be seen in a child 's view of the purpose of education .
30 International companies try increasingly to evolve a global vision in which their core economic activities are seen in a wider socio-economic context .
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