Example sentences of "seen in this " in BNC.

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1 Mythological stories about them suggest they are necessarily seen in this simplistic way to reaffirm to ‘ real polises ’ that it is they who are the true inhabitants of the pragmatic world of conflict and action .
2 Also from Belgium comes an appeal for any information about the six men seen in this picture .
3 What had to be understood was the process which led to the evolution of society seen in this new light .
4 Old enough , certainly , to brood upon things , and too young to make much sense of the sights and sounds he must have seen in this dismal little room .
5 It was a category , a catch-phrase , a summation ; and it also provided a mild but pleasing joke because it used ‘ government ’ to refer to its absence , and because the arabi ( ‘ people 's government ’ ) of tradition contrasted with the sha bi ( ‘ people 's government ’ ) of the present regime , seen in this context to be the opposite of what real people 's government ought to be .
6 Seen in this light , management is an activity which only some people engage in , or as something which some people do to other people — once they have been chartered/qualified to do so .
7 Seen in this light , management is a political activity and it is an emotional activity too because organisations are about people .
8 The station was reached via the Whisker Hill curve , seen in this rare view of Royal Scot 46151 ‘ The Royal Horse Guardsman ’ as it makes its way round the bend with an excursion .
9 Its fate may be clearly seen in this view taken after the diversion of local trains to run via Oxspring and Barnsley .
10 The spirit of the answers is seen in this extract from one of the letters :
11 Lord Scarman referred to violence and disorder ‘ the like of which had not previously been seen in this century in Britain ’ , while one Conservative MP summed up this orthodox reaction in a parliamentary debate ( on 13 April 1981 ) when he spoke of the riots as ‘ something new and sinister in our long national history ’ .
12 ‘ I 'll sing you a song , mates , ’ yelled back Bobby hoarsely , ‘ I 'll sing it from the roof-tops when we see an end not only of this strike but of every useless , time-wasting ; pointless strike we 've ever seen in this country in the last half-dozen years .
13 Before the construction of the Promenade here , in 1903 , the sands came right up to the tram track , as seen in this view of a Dreadnought approaching the terminus .
14 The curve from Clifton Street to Abingdon Street was the sharpest on the system in regular use , as seen in this 1962 scene of a Marton Vambac , bound for Royal Oak .
15 No doubt about what Daniel had seen in this woman .
16 The process of scientific research is therefore a continuous one , and seen in this light sociology accumulates its findings and brings them together to build up its generalizations and , if possible , laws of social behaviour .
17 When seen in this historical light , it seems that the ‘ normal ’ 1950s and '60s were actually quite abnormal .
18 It can be seen in this chapter that Green has given clear directions from where the picture should be painted .
19 But had the minister read the introduction to that paper he would have found the following : ‘ The metabolism and excretion of compounds with a prolonged half-life , however , may be slower in old age as a result of impaired renal function commonly seen in this age group .
20 We have seen in this chapter that little has been achieved in British residential areas in terms of safer and more attractive environments .
21 Seen in this light , every test which shows us what we are really relying on can be constructive .
22 If what we have seen in this election is the real world , then the sooner we find a way out of it the better .
23 Handy 's work can be seen in this light .
24 Seen in this light , the rampant perjury is explicable .
25 But it is not always seen in this way .
26 Seen in this way , the reflexive nature of pragmatism , with theory realized in practice , practice informed by theory , brings mutual benefits in that it serves the cause both of effective learning and , as a corollary , of the professional development of the teacher .
27 The historical record suggests , however , that at every interface the relationship between levels can not be seen in this way ; rather the potential for each level to exercise autonomy has to be recognised .
28 The disenchantment with nationalised industries and moves by the Conservative government towards denationalisation , or ‘ privatisation ’ , must be seen in this context .
29 The strong British element in some of the metalwork from Sutton Hoo might also be seen in this light .
30 Seen in this way , it is clear that fairy tales play a significant part in helping us grow up — and that they are able to do this because they MAKING A SHORT STORY 57 introduce us to ideas about change , conflict and coming-to-maturity through the medium of make-believe .
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