Example sentences of "seen with the " in BNC.

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1 Paintings which describe the natural world are indeed easiest for the critic to describe , since any observer can compare an object seen with the same thing depicted .
2 The German Ideology is often seen with the Theses on Feuerbach , which was written just before it , as forming together the first formulation of Marxism .
3 No one had thought it odd that he did n't ; he was seldom seen with the horses .
4 In autumn it glows like a beacon , especially if planted where it can be seen with the late sun shining through its leaves .
5 Different species of lemur occupy different living spaces just as we have seen with the guenons of the African forests .
6 It is not difficult to think of other examples — the man who takes up golf to be seen with the ‘ right sort of people ’ the competitor more interested in the prize than the process of winning it ; the senior common-room member who can not converse without showing off .
7 They are all to be seen with the Empress in the Winterhalter portrait .
8 No significant differences were seen with the higher dose of collagen ( 5 μg/ml ) , probably because the impedance aggregometer is more sensitive to smaller platelet aggregates than to the larger aggregates which would have been induced by the high-dose collagen ( Ingerman-Wojenski et al , 1982 ) .
9 It was no argument , he said , that the two offices must harmonize , as only one of the four elevations of the building would be seen with the Foreign Office , and with ‘ that exception the buildings should differ , because a picturesque style which might look well from a Park would look fantastic from a Street ’ .
10 He asked if Hall had forgotten that it was intended eventually to extend the new buildings as far as Great George Street where they would be seen with the Abbey and the Palace of Westminster .
11 We had not only the glories of the mist-workings on the sides of Bens Each and Leagach on our right ; we had Ben Lair , which was now and again seen with the deep cloud-shapes falling over his rocky summit and his tree-lined base .
12 The symptoms are usually quite acute and can be seen with the unaided eye .
13 But there is one person who still can not afford to be seen with The Quorn .
14 An hour later , the woman who was seen with the child was arrested at Heathrow where she had argued with a cabbie after refusing to pay her fare .
15 These eggs are so small they can not be seen with the naked eye .
16 As we have seen with the Oedipus myth , the final move in revealing its meaning informs the anthropologist about features of the culture that are beyond the content of the myth .
17 There are even several , in addition to the Pleiades , which can be seen with the naked eye ; Præsepe in Cancer ( the Crab ) and the Jewel Box in the Southern Cross are other examples .
18 The Hermitage 's marble version of ‘ Orpheus ’ can be compared with the stone version in Venice and the ‘ Venus ’ from Palazzo Pitti in Florence can be seen with the second version from Munich .
19 Moreover , verbs that involve the same primitive automatically have the same case frame , eliminating the duplication of effort seen with the other approaches .
20 Something seen with the perfect frankness and actual ambiguity of the camera , also .
21 Mykerinus , who built the third pyramid at Giza , is seen with the beautiful goddess Hathor , the goddess of dance , music and love .
22 Increasingly she felt , without putting it into so many words , that all she wanted was to read , to paint , and to make her father into that person she had seen with the Princesse : a light , carefree , witty , happy Jacob .
23 Moreover , the inverse intensity of N-Oct 5 bands seen with the different expression constructs argue against the proteolytic processing mechanism but rather for a different transcript structure that affects accessibility of the AUG translation initiation sequences .
24 A faint band at position -45 seen with the wild-type enzyme ( Fig. 4 lane 5 ) is absent in the mutant ( lane 3 ) .
25 Efficient , though not complete , competition was also seen with the shorter single ( lanes 7–8 ) and double stranded ( lanes 9–10 ) DNA fragments .
26 ( Chromosomes can be seen with the aid of a microscope . )
27 The most important thing — of course — was being seen with the right people , and the Mirza Nama opens with a salutary warning : ‘ He [ the mirza ] must not speak to every unworthy person , and should regard men of his own class as the only [ fit ] companions [ for him ] . ’
28 With hindsight , the beginnings can be seen with the British Rail Pension Fund 's purchase of paintings in the mid-1970s .
29 She felt gloriously immune to the unspoken pull here to wear the right clothes , to be seen with the right people , in the right places , at the right time .
30 The same can be seen with the ownership of land in Neroche Forest in Somerset .
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