Example sentences of "seen [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He thought of his wife and child whom he had not seen for over a month .
2 Præsepe , nicknamed the Beehive , is one of the finest clusters of its type ; it is easily visible with the naked eye and is well seen with × 7 binoculars , while with × 12 and × 20 it is truly glorious .
3 NGC 2516 is a lovely open cluster ; bright , rather loose , and well seen with × 7 .
4 It is very well seen with × 20 .
5 It is an open cluster , easily seen with × 7 ; with × 12 it seems to me to have a slightly elliptical appearance , with indications of resolution into stars .
6 Gamma , Lambda , and Tau are orange ; Lambda lies in a particularly rich field , best seen with × 7 .
7 Perceived as ‘ weak ’ and ‘ lonely ’ , one respondent went so far as to condemn raisins as ‘ embarrassing to be seen with in public ’ !
8 Indecent material may only be displayed in licensed sex shops which have no window display and can not be seen into from the street , do not admit people under 18 years of age and which carry a warning sign to this effect over the door .
9 Hanging on the wall ( behind the lemons ) is a lethal-looking old American corn-drying rack Top The farmhouse seen from across the fields Above Graeme and Sam Fifield-Hall
10 While everybody else hurried to their destinations , she had walked slowly and aimlessly through the streets , lifting her face to the stinging rain , and watching the low rain clouds driven across the sky like waves seen from under the sea .
11 For a good chance of a safe landing , the ground must be seen from at least a thousand feet so that there is time to select a field and assess the wind .
12 It is now occupied by an engineering company , and is not open to the public , but its most interesting feature is outside and can be seen from beside the millstream .
13 Because I have worked for some time now on the forming of music and sounds , and through this specific endeavour have become aware of the " molecular structure " parallel , I can see great form in " Beautiful Landscape Traversed By Electricity Pylons " , " Tiny Aeroplane In One Expansive Sky " , " One Cup of Tea With Spoon And Attached Shadows " , " One Bogey Slightly Protruding From Person 's Nose " and , apart from when I 'm blackly depressed , Life is seen from inside me to be better every day because of my positive use of the rich energy that is emitted from every thing , live or dead .
14 Seen from beneath the surface the fuglicaa is a fantastic sight .
15 Whereas the descriptions of the opening chapter are confined to what can be seen from within his shack , visual perspectives increase in variety and number when he ventures out of doors .
16 A statue in the round was surely conceived as in some sense a being to be met face to face , so was designed primarily to be seen from in front .
17 The noses of the two figures that are seen from in front are in profile , while the figure at the left , which is in strict profile , has a full-face eye .
18 By not calling it a ‘ Nuclear Obligation ’ , the government hoped to avoid a charge of totally rigging the market and could be seen to at least throw out a lifeline to the renewables .
19 Pulsed emission is seen to at least 5,000MeV .
20 be seen to at the eye hospital , Sir John said in January I 'll send you to Altrincham because they have a specialist , go to the , like they have one go to the Cottage , each , a different like a skin one day , summat , so like you 're there and you 're not traipsing for the eye hospital
21 He did not want to be bothered with the problems she encountered , with water that seemed brackish or ceilings that had cracked — they were her concerns and , as she complained in a letter to Minnie : — I am driven to distraction with those household concerns with which you will be familiar Minnie but then in your case you have but to report them for them to be seen to by the master who will instruct the butler to bring in workmen and I am obliged to go out and seek my own help which is no easy thing .
22 If that cut is n't seen to by somebody qualified the boy could be scarred for life . ’
23 It has to be seen to after the children and staff have left .
24 Indeed yesterday you may well seen on on the news , heard on the radios , seen in the papers , forget such attacks .
25 The total amount of growth hormone that is secreted per day increases to a maximum at about the time of puberty and is partially responsible for the growth spurt that is seen at about this time .
26 The resolution is good , and grains less than 10 µm can be seen at × 100 .
27 And at the National Enquirer in the US , the paper which broke the story and published artist 's impressions of the pictures , insiders said the pictures had been seen by at least one member of staff .
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