Example sentences of "seen [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In years of glorious combat , Altrincham and Yeovil have seen off League opposition 15 times — and now they both have the chance to make it sweet 16 in this year 's second round .
2 A similar illness was seen during trench warfare in the American Civil War .
3 Spurting haemorrhage was seen during operation .
4 This behaviour seems at first sight to be the opposite of that seen during wound closure .
5 The prolonged duration of reflux seen during pH monitoring or after a meal in PSS could thus be related to defective clearance or to a greater quantity of reflux .
6 The results of his last two years ' work can be seen during Spring 1992 in two exhibitions : Gulf at the Imperial War Museum , and Not the Gulf at Waterman 's Arts Centre .
7 The results of his last two years ' work can be seen during Spring 1992 in two exhibitions : Gulf at the Imperial War Museum , and Not the Gulf at Waterman 's Arts Centre .
8 It was the first protest that the capital had seen about acid rain , an environmental issue which had stimulated political curiosity but very little action .
9 The capitulation of the General Council on the 12 May , and its decision to call off the strike without any guarantees that those involved would not be victimized , might also be seen as evidence of failure .
10 The extension of ‘ privatization ’ could be seen as evidence for structural change — a ‘ rolling back ’ of the state .
11 It has been suggested that learner errors can be seen as evidence of learner achievement .
12 When , a few weeks later , Labour overturned a large Tory majority in a by-election at East Fulham , this was widely seen as evidence of the popularity of pacifism — despite the fact that Labour 's candidate , John Wilmot , had been more concerned to appeal to Liberal supporters of the League than to whatever sentiment may have existed in Fulham in favour of war resistance .
13 From outside the Carter camp it could be seen as evidence that the twosome are having trouble finding new songs .
14 If they then still chose to seek engineering jobs , this could be seen as evidence of commitment .
15 In the early days of Minoan studies , this widespread network of trading links was seen as evidence of a powerful Minoan navy , a wholesale conquest by sea and political subjugation of the tributary lands .
16 As in qualitative sociology , dialogue is seen as evidence and , therefore , to be presented and digested on its own .
17 While the legislation is clearly to be seen as evidence of a government 's entitlement to legislate in connection with a national responsibility , it is also interpretable as evidence of the government 's impatience with local authorities .
18 Later on this might have led to complaints about the possibility of corruption ; at the time it was simply seen as evidence that politicians were committing themselves fully to their work .
19 They may be seen as evidence of the insidious creep of sport climbing ethics into the mountains , but used sparingly they eliminate an unwanted and unnecessary risk and cause less visual intrusion .
20 All this suggests that the institutions of more stable family patterns should not be seen as evidence of the success of an effort at ‘ social control ’ .
21 Teaching English , being a metaphor for a policy of enforced cultural assimilation , dovetailed with the view expressed by a large proportion of heads and teachers that ‘ immigrant ’ cultures — the desire to hold on to which was seen as evidence of a ‘ ghetto mentality ’ — were an educational hindrance requiring vigilant exclusion from the culture of the school ( Brittan , 1976 ) .
22 Many examples of animal behaviour can be seen as evidence supporting the assertion , ‘ Animals are designed so as best to fulfil the function for which they were intended ’ .
23 This could be seen as evidence that there is a level of automatic syntactic processing which is not always used in sentence comprehension .
24 This was seen as evidence of the government 's continued commitment to economic re-structuring and of its need to have an experienced negotiator to deal with the mounting foreign debt [ see pp. 37216-17 ] .
25 The projected surplus of AD13,500 million was seen as evidence of an upturn in the economy .
26 The resignation of Labour Minister Erick Thompson Pineres in October [ see p. 37770 ] was seen as evidence of a rift in the Cabinet over the severity of the austerity programme .
27 This provoked a public outcry [ see p. 37913 ] and was widely seen as evidence of his autocratic style of government , already reflected in his combining the presidency with the chairmanship of the ruling Peronist party [ see p. 37651 ] .
28 Although this could be seen as evidence that subjective risk was not present for this subject , it could equally be regarded as a self presentational bias on the part of the subject who may have felt that feeling risk would imply dangerous driving .
29 The figures were seen as evidence that both the dollar and US interest rates should drop to correct the huge trade imbalance which was projected at a record level of about $165 billion for the year .
30 If we are not to infer from Anderson 's breach of Grice 's Co-operative Principle that he is deliberately being rude ( unlikely , when McKendrick is a complete stranger to him ) then it is most likely to be seen as evidence of his vagueness or , less favourably , his self-centredness .
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