Example sentences of "money for a " in BNC.

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1 Look , I 've no money for a hotel so I 'd better make my own arrangements for tonight .
2 Sir Cyril Taylor , the Government 's adviser on CTCs , who had earlier been successful in persuading Mr Baker to commit more government funds to the 20 schools , had been hoping to get more money for a new round of schools .
3 During the First World War a box of matches cost 1d and a matchbox grip 4d : a price just substantial enough to warrant a ‘ Thank you ’ when given free to a pub or grocer 's store customer , and just substantial enough to make money for a stationer or the many charities which sold them .
4 For investors who do not want to tie up their money for a year in an income bond , Town & Country 's ( tel : 01-353 1476 ) new Classic investment account is paying 12 per cent net of basic rate tax for sums of £25,000 and over .
5 He has been researching and trying to raise money for a documentary to highlight the problem .
6 He managed to increase the staff in two ways ; first by getting the endowment for the chair of Greek freed from the attachment to a canonry and then the endowment of the canonry used to give a second professorship of theology ; secondly by persuading the vice-chancellor to find money for a lectureship in New Testament studies .
7 I have seen clauses in record contracts which are absolutely meaningless and which I would happily have traded for a defined amount of money for a tour support , video , or promotional commitment .
8 She needs some money for a ticket .
9 The upward spiral on which film budgets were set suggests that Rank might have had to go on losing money for a long time before hitting on a way to achieve a steady supply of sellable films .
10 Dot said , ‘ Mrs Hollidaye gave me the money for a cab . ’
11 These people , I remarked , could pull out of their pockets , thoughtlessly , as much money for a round of drinks as most single parents have to live on for a week ; could pay as much for a few hours ’ sleep as a Third World peasant and his family have to live , or die , on for a year .
12 One of the school 's main aims is to raise enough money for a second indoor sports base , which would be of benefit to both the school and the local community .
13 Let's face it , when you work hard all year round to save money for a couple of weeks in the sunshine , you deserve to enjoy yourself .
14 Our national dog registration scheme will provide the money for a warden service .
15 I did not know Salisbury well enough — Wendy did not know it at all — to grope my way to an hotel ( and , anyhow , we feared we had not enough money for a bed ) .
16 Six pounds was a lot of money for a schoolteacher to lose even if she were a headmistress .
17 The term ‘ reward ’ covers receipt of money for a past favour even if there was no prior arrangement or agreement .
18 Ministers voted money for a new polar research ship and airstrips at each of Australia 's three mainland stations — Casey , Davis and Mawson .
19 MARINE geologists at the US Geological Survey are fighting to raise money for a year-long scientific cruise that promises to confirm the potential of spectacular oil and mineral deposits stretching from the Arctic to the South Pacific .
20 A national project allows astronomers of that country to take major decisions in building and using the satellite ; and national pride makes it more likely that politicians will produce the money for a national project than simply to join in someone else 's satellite .
21 With the minimum of props and the only gesture being a raised paw , he asked for the money for a cup of coffee , guv , sported a patch over one eye concealing a wound sustained in the service of his country , at the same time dragging a wooden leg fitted during the retreat from Moscow while maintaining that he had a bitch and five pups to support and did not know where his next meal was coming from .
22 ‘ When I grow up I 'll make sure I 've always got enough money for a whole pound of sausages and eggs to go with them , ’ Sally thought , but she never said anything .
23 A couple of books , a little sponsorship money for a national charity and for arthritis research in Bristol , and a finisher 's medal from the 1991 London Marathon .
24 So you will be without your deposit money for a month at least .
25 To buy a brand new PA system costs a lot of money for a single person , and as a group it is a huge risk as we are still at school ( lower 6th ) and do not wish to spend that sort of money when we can not guarantee we will still be together in a week , let alone a year 's time .
26 The crazed director had vowed to eat his show if a friend ever raised the money for a particular project .
27 ‘ It was n't exactly what I had in mind when I asked the council if I could donate some money for a seat in the park ’
28 Both races will be included in ITV 's 24-hour Telethon extravaganza , which aims to raise money for a number of charities .
29 Real interest in the tradition was actually waning ; during the 1820s great difficulty was experienced in procuring money for a bull and the last Christmas run occurred in 1831 .
30 SEE that your child has everything for ski school : lift pass , ski school tickets , boots , skis , poles and money for a hot drink .
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