Example sentences of "took great [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After retirement he became a respected commentator , chairman of selectors and eventually president of Yorkshire ( 1981-4 ) until , saddened by the internal strife , he resigned from an office in which he took great pride .
2 That was something he took great pride in .
3 ‘ They tried everything to unnerve him but he remained so cool , ’ said Mr Kinnear , who took great pride in the fact that Wimbledon , now safe from relegation , are the first side to score three times at Anfield this season .
4 It had been unnecessary , of course , for her to mention that the silver was one of my father 's main responsibilities and one he took great pride in .
5 Indeed , the Home Secretary , Mr Leon Brittan , took great pride in the fact that , unlike any of its predecessors , the Conservative Government had provided for the first time a clear and comprehensive statutory framework for the interception of communications .
6 They seemed to work extremely quickly using graining combs , brushes , even feathers to produce finishes in which they took great pride .
7 Gordon Sloan , the Interim Reporter , took great exception to their presence .
8 His ADC took great exception , but then Joe was able to say " all Aides des Camps — piss off ! " .
9 The Prince felt he was in the company of someone very special , took great delight in time spent talking to him , and was inspired by all that he heard .
10 Peter Jacobsen took great delight in tackling him , but we had to wait while it was going on .
11 When I regressed her , Eileen did in fact describe to me a happy , boisterous childhood with her sister and her six brothers — all of whom took great delight in spoiling their baby sister .
12 She took great delight in physical freedom , was one of the first women to cycle , loved to row , and climbed the Matterhorn twice .
13 In a brief account of her life Collier describes her education at her parents ' hands : ‘ I was taught to read when very Young , and took great delight in it ; but my Mother dying , I lost my Education , Never being put to School . ’
14 … One of the topics came up in the following week 's Science lesson … the girls took great delight in showing the boys how to perform the tasks ! … the improvement in their confidence was most marked . ’
15 Some of them took great satisfaction in provocative statements of their position : there is no such thing as law , they said , or law is only the prediction of what the courts will do or only a matter of what the judge ate for breakfast .
16 Even so , it took great nerve and daring to ride that wind for such a distance and it is a fitting tribute to the bravery of the balloon pioneers , yet it will be seen that those men and women who followed Sadler into the skies display , in their own way , no less daring than he .
17 After he recovered , he took great care of his health , finding every ray of sunshine to sit in and when it rained , still resolutely taking the air , under the porch .
18 He took great care not to touch her or allow his grubby clothes to come into contact with her beautiful skirt and creamy-white blouse .
19 The spokesman from Rough Trade took great care before releasing the following statement : ‘ The Smiths stand 100% behind the lyrics to all their songs .
20 She showed severe potential spasticity , so the physiotherapists took great care to prevent her from being twisted into deformity .
21 An early observer was amused to notice that certain shore-nesting birds took great care about the way they performed their imitation death throes : ‘ The end comes slowly , surely , a miserable flurry and scraping , the dying stilt , however , even in articulo mortis , contriving to avoid inconvenient stones , upon which decently to expire . ’
22 They took great care and were concentrating on a small area , trying hard not to tread on the bones .
23 He took great care to have his children brought up as members of his Church , though eventually all three who survived went over to that of their mother .
24 We took great care to avoid these .
25 Since the rifle was the infantryman 's main weapon for both defence and attack , he took great care of it .
26 Some multicentre studies have been published in aggregate and separately , and we took great care to avoid including the same results more than once .
27 Although not an agricultural innovator , he was an astute farmer and businessman : he took great care in selecting seed and breeding stock ; he knew the best markets in the region for a wide variety of products ; and he endeavoured never to miss an opportunity for profit .
28 Doctor Jekyll loved his books and always took great care of them .
29 He has a large number of good qualities and very few bad ones ; George is very kind and caring and took great care over Lennie .
30 The restaurant was decked with more stars and stripes than you could count , and the staff took great care to dress up for the occasion .
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