Example sentences of "took a large " in BNC.

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1 Hot favourite : through the 1980s the Great British Breakfast took a larger and larger share of total main meals served .
2 His other forte is in Believe-It-Or-Not items of Russian paranoia : ‘ just as Soviet railroad tracks are a wider gauge than foreign ones to prevent an invasion by train , Soviet VCR 's took a larger tape to prevent an influx of foreign pornography . ’
3 Subsequent attempts to diversify the economy have foundered not only on corruption and inefficiency , though these have played a part , but because Zambia could not mobilize the funds for new investment , since the growing debt burden took a larger and larger share of the national cake .
4 In the event Labour received marginally more votes than the Tories , in an election in which the two parties took a larger share of the total votes than ever before , but because of the geography of electoral support in relation to constituency boundaries it was the Tories who gained the majority of seats in Parliament and formed the next government .
5 Every now and then the launch took a larger wave on her starboard bow and she would shy away like a frightened colt .
6 Then a few weeks after her husband died Mary took a large number of pills and tried to kill herself .
7 Its office in the middle of the Labour stronghold of Birmingham Ladywood , took a large volume of orders to buy shares from those celebrating a Tory victory .
8 Laura took a large plain loaf from the bread bin , and began slicing it .
9 ‘ Then you might like to know Tweed took a large sum of money with him .
10 Insurance , ferries , food and kit took a large slice , the rest went on fuel for the Land Rover 's seven thousand mile round trip .
11 He took a large , flat loaf from the bag , sliced it across its diameter , and handed a piece down to me .
12 When it was Sally 's turn she took a large breath .
13 He lifted the glass of pastis , and took a large swallow .
14 He took a large swallow of pastis , and looked at his watch pointedly .
15 She felt cold , although the central heating had been on all morning , and took a large brown woollen shawl out of a drawer and wrapped it round her as she sat in the beanbag and listened .
16 Tom , meanwhile , took a large parcel out of the cupboard and placed it in front of him .
17 Airtours has linked up with Pickfords and Owners last week took a large slice of German-owned Thomas Cook .
18 That the strength behaviour of whiskers is no different from that of much bigger crystals was confirmed by Dash who took a large ( 2 cm. ) crystal of silicon , which is normally quite a weak material , and polished it very carefully .
19 early orders did not materialise , but Intercontinent Corp took a large share in Harlow Aircraft and bought three PC-5s as overseas demonstrators .
20 From a cupboard , she took a large , brown , straw hat and a dark grey coat ; and after first pinning the hat on to her hair she shrugged herself into the coat .
21 She took a large and happy bite .
22 It was a highly successful chevauchée : Lancaster relieved Pont Audemer , captured Verneuil , took a large number of prisoners and carried off much booty .
23 Billy picked up his pint of ale and took a large draught .
24 And as if to brook no further argument , Madame Gautier took a large paper bag and emptied the entire contents of the cookie jar into it .
25 Flora took a large bite out of her third scone .
26 She took a large draw and held the smoke in her lungs for about ten seconds before letting it out .
27 Once he took a large bone from the table and stood it on the Queen 's plate .
28 From another box he took a large rose .
29 Colonel Windsor refilled it , and Tubby took a large swallow before gathering himself together to reply .
30 We all took a large piece of the treasure , and some used it sensibly , and some did not .
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