Example sentences of "took a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Then , as he frequently did , he took a moral line , based on what he saw as natural law , and said he would not blame , and might even assist , the victim 's relatives in such a case , should they wish to exact retribution and then hide .
2 After months of injury frustration , he took a definite up-swing on Tuesday by launching his season with the two-goal blast that wrecked Blackburn 's unbeaten run .
3 Born in India , brought up mainly in France and speaking both French and German perfectly , he thought seriously as a young man of entering Habsburg service and married an American , while his brother took a Russian wife , one of the Nelidov family which was prominent in tsarist diplomacy .
4 He took a slight step forward and , taking his friend 's chin in his hand , lifted his face so that Ludovico was forced to look up into his eyes .
5 She took a slight step forward and then stopped , her face turned towards the count .
6 One important objective of counselling was to improve communication within the family , which was achieved in the first session when the therapist took a supportive but firm approach and encouraged the patient to talk to her parents then .
7 Well Mr took a terrific swipe at us and I think I could n't possibly enter into the detail of controversy involved there .
8 He took a pristine white handkerchief out of his pocket and rubbed at the faint hand-print Kenneth had left on the glass partition as he said , ‘ These passivation glasses are of much use in the semi-conductor industry , and we have high hopes that with the burgeoning of the Scottish computer industry Silicon Glen as it is sometimes jocularly called — we shall shortly be supplying … ’
9 In fact it took a revolutionary medical technique for Ian to be able to play again , but only for the Palace Reserves , for the first team were , at that time at least , more than holding their own in Division One .
10 It was not only the student movement that suffered in this way ; the black movement in the US , especially when it took a revolutionary form in the Black Panther Party , was violently suppressed , and in Latin America democratic and radical movements were destroyed , and military dictatorships were installed , often with American help , as in Chile .
11 An inquest has been told how an elderley man died from the treatment he was taking for his athletes foot.John Ellis took a revolutionary new drug for his condition , after years of suffering.But within a couple of months , he died from liver failure.But the makers of the drug say it 's safe for most people , and it wo n't be withdrawn.Chris Moore reports .
12 And then we took a remote truck down to Carl 's house and did a few things in his den .
13 She took a covert glance at his watch and discovered that , amazingly , it was nearly midnight .
14 In the Commonwealth , Callaghan ( previously a supporter of arms sales ) took a firm line in promoting a ban on sporting and other contacts with South Africa , and enforced the so-called Gleneagles Agreement with other Commonwealth countries , amongst whom the Conservative Prime Minister of Australia , Malcolm Fraser , proved an unexpectedly vigorous opponent of apartheid .
15 But there is no unequivocal statement as to why or how his life took a firm direction at this time .
16 The film took a firm course through its vast subject , avoiding the rocks of donnish rancour .
17 THE TOP three finishers in the First Division took a firm step towards the Carlsberg play-offs at Wembley Arena in May with comfortable away wins in the first round of the best-of-three quarter-final series .
18 To forestall his next movement ( such as his taking her in his arms ) Franca moved rapidly round the table , took a firm hold of his shoulder , and , as he instinctively lowered his head , kissed his hot blushing cheek .
19 The wee lad put his hand on my haunch , then he slid it round and took a firm grip of my trousers .
20 While Brian Robson , Steve McMahon , and in the second half Peter Reid , tried to kick anyone around them , Ince took a firm grip on the game .
21 She took a firm grip on Rupert 's long golden tresses with her giant hand and then , by raising her muscular right arm , she lifted the helpless boy clean out of his chair and held him aloft .
22 All the published sermons preached at St Paul 's Cross in London from 1570 onwards took a firm Calvinist line on predestination , and the theology faculties at the universities dispensed doctrinal Calvinism to those training for the ministry ; meanwhile the laity were provided with the Genevan Bible in 1560 and a Calvinist catechism in 1563 .
23 took a firm editorial line : for the sake of liberal democracy , economic recovery and the rolling back of union power …
24 On the mid-August weekend , when the Olympic match took place , Hirst and Rhodes took seven wickets between them at Taunton as Yorkshire took a firm grip on their match with Somerset .
25 My mother took a firm line on smoking in bedrooms .
26 Out in level-par ( 36 ) Higgins was then only one up , but took a firm grip on the match after her Downpatrick rival failed with a tantalising two-footer on the eleventh green .
27 Inserting his left hand , Grant took a firm grip and heaved upwards .
28 The government of Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar in India maintained the previous low-profile response , with an expression of " deep sadness " on Jan. 17 coupled with calls for Iraq to begin an immediate withdrawal ; only the Communist Party ( Marxist ) took a firm line in denouncing " unjustified " US aggression , while still calling for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait .
29 Releasing her shoulders , he took a firm grip on her arm and began steering her towards the steps down to the lawn .
30 Last season 's Nat West Trophy finalists took a firm grip on their Benson and Hedges semi-final by reducing Lancashire to 119 for three from 39 overs at lunch .
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