Example sentences of "took the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The British public were cautious and it took the Second World War to inspire a new , and more forward-looking , attitude to the problem of dealing with the economy and unemployment .
2 ‘ We made it , ’ he said and took the second gun from Mariana 's shoulders without really looking at her .
3 Duffy won a black ball fight in the opener and took the second frame 62–40 before winning the next two easily with breaks of 35 and 57 in the third and 92 in the fourth .
4 Edberg had nothing to offer as Becker took the second set triumphantly in just 27 minutes to a great roar from the delirious crowd .
5 A former inmate of the Bloom yard , Lady Somerleyton 's Beau Seigneur , took the second Maiden under an enterprising ride from Lucy Hollis , who kicked for home at the fourteenth .
6 Matilda took the second slice and started eating it slowly .
7 In 1930 spectators during the second Cambridge innings in the University match at Lord 's were entertained by an unusual sight , when Oxford took the second new ball .
8 He took the second bite .
9 He took the second torch out of his jacket pocket and tossed it to Jimmy .
10 The fragmentation and inequities of prewar arrangements were highlighted in 1937 by an influential report from the Department of Political and Economic Planning but it took the Second World War and the Beveridge Report of 1942 to change perceptions sufficiently to legitimise a greatly enhanced role for the state in the provision of health care .
11 Gloucestershire trainer Chris Broad saddled the first winner … and Wantage jockey Graham McCourt took the second race …
12 Brave Piper took the seventh round on my card , while drawing three others , and impressed English judge Mickey Vann to make him a round up going into the climatic 11th , which made a joke of Piper 's manager Frank Warren having objected to Vann as a judge .
13 Keith Waugh was armed with only the vaguest canine knowledge when he took the first steps along his career path .
14 On this day : Peterborough Cathedral was consecrated , 1238 ; Miles Coverdale 's translation of the Bible was published , 1535 ; William Smith founded the Boys Brigade , Glasgow 1883 ; the first public escalator was opened , Earl 's Court underground station 1911 ; Hitler and Mussolini met at the Brenner Pass , 1940 ; the USSR launched Sputnik 1 , the world 's first artificial satellite , 1957 ; the first transatlantic passenger jet service started operating , 1958 ; USSR 's Lunik III , took the first close-up pictures of the moon , 1959 ; Pope Paul VI visited New York , the first pope to visit America , 1965 .
15 THE LABOUR PARTY took the first step yesterday towards diminishing the power of the trade unions in its policy-making procedures .
16 We watched that for a bit , then took the first tube of the day round to a friend 's place for a while .
17 I got her letter yesterday and I took the first plane .
18 Vanne took the first boat trip across Lake Tanganyika to Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve with Jane in 1960 , when the authorities refused to give a 20-year-old girl permission to set up camp on her own .
19 The 20-year overnight transformation from an obscure documentarist working with Krzysztof Zanussi 's Tor unit to Poland 's leading director came on November 26 when Kieslowski 's A Short Film About Killing ( Krotki Film O Zabijaniu ) took the first European Oscar .
20 He nearly had the match purloined from him too because Bryan Beeson , who captained England 's world bronze-medal winning team , took the first two games with some astutely controlled slow drives that induced the 20-year-old England No.1 to make errors .
21 In 1882 the Legislature took the first of these courses .
22 Next morning , from the Paseo de Gracias station , I took the first express to Zaragoza , passing through the small seaside town of Sitges , which was in later years to become a British hooligan holiday playground .
23 The next day I took the first bus back to New York .
24 Lau took the first 21–18 , and Piercey the second 22–20 .
25 I now took the first positive steps , although still not without considerable misgivings .
26 Fedorov took the first blow on the arm .
27 The French inventor Louis Daguerre took the first photograph of the Moon in 1839 or slightly earlier , and since then literally thousands of detailed pictures have been acquired , including those transmitted back-to Earth by the Moon-probes of the late 1950s and the 1960s .
28 ( Let us not forget , though , that it was Mr Callaghan 's government that , took the first faltering steps in the revolution in information technology . )
29 But in these nursery nests , the kittens took the first nipple they came across , regardless of whether it was in a familiar position on the female 's belly , or even which belly it was .
30 That Sunday she took the first positive step towards keeping a check on her child .
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