Example sentences of "took up [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The male then took up guard , fanning the eggs constantly with his large pectorals and turning upside down to fan them as well .
2 Fluid took up air space … you never saw anyone with emphysema run upstairs .
3 ‘ We read ’ , he read , ‘ in Richard Milward 's unreliable , tendentious and often plainly wrong book Early and Mediaeval Wimbledon that ‘ in 878 a Danish army took up winter quarters just across the river at Fulham .
4 An accident , in the sense that it could have been the ancestors of lions that took up grass-eating , and the ancestors of antelopes that took up meat-eating .
5 Geoff took up Vet running at a serious level two or three years ago and has forged through the ranks until arriving at the top of the O50s this season .
6 It happened with me , when at the age of 18 , I took up pen and paper to make a reply to the readers ' letters column of the Glasgow Evening Times , in answer to a man who supported the rise of Nazism in Germany .
7 Quirinus is lord there and he knows me , for it is with he and his Myrcans that I took up service over a year ago .
8 In 1986 , however , only 31% of all newly qualified Ph D graduates took up university employment ( Anderson 2 ) , and the boom period for academic jobs was around 1965 , when 53% of all such researchers found employment in universities , so that it may be that the majority of successful Ph D researchers over the period have not had access to those facilities which would have helped them to publish .
9 In 1986 , however , only 31% of all newly qualified Ph D graduates took up university employment ( Anderson ) , and the boom period for academic jobs was around 1965 , when 53% of all such researchers found employment in universities , so that it may be that the majority of successful Ph D researchers over the period have not had access to those facilities which would have helped them to publish .
10 But for hundreds of sightseers who took up vantage points in the nearby mountains and on the main deck of an Urnersee pleasure boat , it was the disappointment of the year .
11 I like boxing and when I was suspended in the summer of 1990 I took up boxing and accepted , perhaps too quickly , a fight against the then French light-heavyweight champion .
12 Billy had come home a physical wreck and it was only when Danny himself took up boxing seriously that his friend regained some of his self-esteem by helping and instructing him .
13 She took up tennis after finding that she was simply in the way if she appeared on the film set .
14 With the sort of guitar riff we have n't heard much since George Harrison took up yoga , Weller proved the more banal Style Council meanderings are not to be his epitaph .
15 Instead they took up battle positions , said Colonel Marc Martens of US Central Command .
16 He trained as an engraver but took up work with deaf people and became their missioner in Paisley , Scotland .
17 In less than three months he , too , had moved — to a cottage just outside the village , where he took up gardening and fishing with great energy and enthusiasm .
18 A detachment of Cromwell 's troops guarding the bridge at nearby Bewdley came to Kidderminster to cut off their retreat and took up position in the square .
19 Then a short blast and six monitors took up position at the top of the lower playground .
20 In the summer , strawberry sellers usually took up position around the Crimean Cannon at the side of the Council House and they had to dispose of all their perishable wares before returning home .
21 At least 20 officers in personnel carriers and patrol cars took up position outside the old Billingsgate fish market , just yards from the Baltic Exchange , where three people died in the IRA bomb blast in April .
22 On his head was the horned-moon helm of Saphery and he swiftly took up position between the queen and the Keeper of Secrets .
23 " Keep an eye on our friends , " he muttered and while Brady took up position beside the door , Tom helped Patrick over to the bar .
24 The cutters then took up position in a square around Guiding Lights which was still moving at about ten knots .
25 A total of 250 troops from France 's 4,200-strong local garrison took up position around the town of Dikhil in the south-west of the country , the scene of recent fighting between the government and the FRUD rebels [ see p. 38711 , where Dikhil is wrongly given as Kikhil ] .
26 A posse of the Party 's agents took up position behind a group of Young Conservatives who were threatening to unfold a banner .
27 The dog curled a lip at me but made no sound , then took up position in the front room doorway .
28 Policemen , armed , filed out of the building and took up position .
29 They took up position between the harpoons and the fleeing whales .
30 The troops gathered the Croats in the Franciscan monastery on Tuesday after Muslims overran the area and took up position on all sides .
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