Example sentences of "took [art] small " in BNC.

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1 Moran took the small blue Ford out of the shed after Mass on Sunday , tested the engine and tyres , then washed the car down , dried it and waxed it till it shone .
2 The British also took the small sugar islands of Tobago , Granada , Dominica , and St. Vincent in the Windward Islands at the southern end of the chain of the Lesser Antilles .
3 And what we 've done now , and with colleagues from Germany , is to take cores off north west Africa , say about twenty metres down into the sediment , we sample them in the lab here and took the small amounts of sediment and examined them for these long chain compounds and we were extremely excited to see that as we went down this core , back through the last few hundred thousand years , we could see our signal on sea surface temperature oscillating about roughly in the same way that er has been found with other methods of getting at the past history of the climate .
4 I took the small thing out of his hand .
5 Alexandra took the small soft hand in hers and thought that it seemed smaller than ever , frailer , more insubstantial .
6 She took the small , graceful hand and squeezed it firmly .
7 I took the small knife from my left breast pocket and nicked my left thumb carefully .
8 At last he was freed , and gritting his teeth , Jack took the small forearm firmly in his hands and lifted it quickly off the last spike .
9 To give the children a surprise on their next visit , I took a small toy lion from my plastic carrier bag and pressed it into a hole in the edge of the doorway .
10 I took a small class of Bermondsey Girl Guides , and realized the nobility of girls who after working for so many hours in bad conditions were still loyal .
11 With his wife and daughter he took a small cottage in the Market Square , ( adjacent to the Red Lion and opposite the White Lion ) , and there seven more children were born , though not all of them grew to maturity .
12 O'Brian , 24 , was on the run from the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers when he took a small glass tube of diamorphine — described in court as pure heroin — to the house in Guide Post , Northumberland .
13 Replacing them both , he upended the main body of the telephone cradle and took a small screw-driver from a nearby drawer .
14 From his pocket , Erlich took a small plastic bag , and into it he dropped the cigar butt .
15 In 1355 Edward III appointed the Black Prince his Lieutenant in Aquitaine , and the prince took a small force there in the autumn of that year .
16 Hazel took a small leaf and nibbled politely .
17 So he , he thought he 'd do an experiment , er he took a small piece of radium which he 'd extracted from several tons of pitchblende and he put this bit of radium on his forearm and , and put a bandage round to hold it in place and left it there for a week and said right I 'll see what happens .
18 Constanza took a small flat of her own .
19 Using existing unconnected product breakthroughs , Sony took a small tape player , married it to lightweight headphones and made the Walkman an entirely new product that , after a slight hesitation , became a world beater .
20 I passed the pack and she took a small gold lighter from her purse .
21 He took a small cube of A resin from the pouch next to his knife .
22 At the door he paused and took a small lamp from his pocket , then examined both the locks .
23 He also took a small stone from the centre of the strange formation , and shortly after his return home , he attended a meeting with other dowsers and suggested that it might be interesting to dowse the crop circle samples .
24 He took a small mouthful from his plate then gripped at his stomach and emitted a low moan .
25 Within a few months I took a small office space oh dear I ca n't remember .
26 He returned to the War Office in the winter of 1939–40 , and was wounded again off Dunkirk in June 1940 , when he took a small boat across to join the rescue .
27 They took a small boutique on the Left Bank , where hitherto there had been only antique shops , correctly recognizing that the little street , Rue des Saints Pères , was full of ‘ Laura Ashley spirit ’ .
28 DeVore set his drink down on the table at his side , then took a small device from his pocket and handed it across .
29 Swayne took a small cigar from a box near his chair .
30 And here , ’ he want behind the altar and took a small bell , ‘ you ring this .
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