Example sentences of "men go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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31 Well I mean all men go in for these model things .
32 The two men went about readying for flight , with practised , unspoken efficiency .
33 Together the men went out to push away the police car , which was blocking Vernage 's own Cortina .
34 He had seen the pressure army wives were under , had seen their faces crumple when their men went out on a mission .
35 He retreated to a side booth where he summoned a waiter , ordered a beer , and watched as the two men went out into the garden at the rear .
36 As the men went out of the door Laura stared glumly over at the young policewoman .
37 The two men went off deep into the surrounding countryside on a series of expeditions , to the heath near Seppe , and to a big swamp , the so-called Passievaart .
38 IN THE past women rarely took jobs that involved getting their hands dirty , though in the war they kept the wheels of industry turning as their men went off to fight .
39 The men went in and stated their case to the man in charge , but he merely informed them that they would get nothing immediately and that they were to come back when their money had gone .
40 The men went back and searched the trains but the man had disappeared ; all the men agreed the man had been there , they had all seen him , they were all completely baffled .
41 Friday and I stayed to watch the prisoners , while the captain and his men went back to fight for the ship .
42 There was the question of cancelling the whole Festival , but fortunately that did not prove to be necessary , and by the end of the week the strike collapsed — and , tragically , the men went back to work having gained nothing .
43 Men went down the main shaft and tried to clear it by shovelling the slurry into tubs which were then hauled to the surface but this was soon abandoned as it was realised that it would take weeks or months to clear a way through to the trapped men .
44 The fighting was too close for firearms ; the two men went down together in the darkness and wrestled until another American could discern which was which and hit the redhead hard with the butt of his Colt .
45 On one occasion a team of five men went down into the tunnels for which purpose they had to pass through the line of empty stabled cars .
46 One of the men went down , his leg broken .
47 Carradine leaped , and the two men went down , grappling weapons lost .
48 Men went down with two or three of the beasts ripping at them ; others fell overboard and were killed in a froth of churning water .
49 It flew through the air to land some distance away as both men went down with a crash that shook the ground .
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