Example sentences of "men [vb past] off " in BNC.

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1 The three men got off together , still avidly discussing Graham Greene .
2 When darkness fell , the men drove off up the escarpment and made for the rendezvous , spreading themselves out as widely as possible .
3 In order to break the boredom of hanging around hotels sipping soft drinks — Torino had advisedly banned Law and Baker from drinking alcohol in public — the three men took off in Baker 's Alfa Romeo sports car .
4 He was ice-cold and the men took off their clothes to cover him .
5 Sky TV 's broadcast put the whole incident in the public eye , even though Goulding was formally cited after the Disciplinary Committee watched a tape of the game last Thursday when dealing with two men sent off in that match .
6 The two men went off deep into the surrounding countryside on a series of expeditions , to the heath near Seppe , and to a big swamp , the so-called Passievaart .
7 IN THE past women rarely took jobs that involved getting their hands dirty , though in the war they kept the wheels of industry turning as their men went off to fight .
8 It was n't often that men shrugged off her attempts to pay her way .
9 The two men ran off but , though they gave the troopers a good chase , were soon captured .
10 The two men ran off but gave themselves up next day .
11 The men ran off , without any clear idea where they were going , and Bathsheba was left alone with her dying sheep .
12 But PC Stephen Butts told the court when he arrived the men ran off , and he later found one injured cock in a caravan and another in a landrover .
13 After Mr Humphries punched one man and his Jack Russell Katie sank her teeth into the other the men ran off .
14 The two men ran off to another car , but it just was n't their day .
15 In the next four hours Gerry Mackenzie 's men stood off Japanese attacks , sometimes using the bayonet to keep the enemy from the airfield , but the platoon had to withdraw before daylight , destroying the airstrip installations as they left .
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