Example sentences of "men [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 The unthinking equation of widowhood for women with retirement for men has been challenged .
2 Christ 's message of peace and goodwill to all men has been well and truly eclipsed by today 's stars .
3 For instance , the generalisation that women are physically weaker than men has been qualified ; in some areas , like endurance , they may be much stronger than was thought and capable of outperforming men in certain tasks .
4 However , when the sexual behaviour of thousands of gay men has been studied over a number of years , sucking has n't shown up as a risk .
5 Conservatives proceed as though the past relation between women and men has been satisfactory , as though no one has been wounded by it .
6 At all levels of education the ratio of women to men has been increasing steadily .
7 None of the men has been named .
8 One of the men has been described as aged 25-30 , 5ft 9ins , very slim , black , with short hair that is longer on top and plaited .
9 On the very morning after his arrival in the Scottish capital the Duke left for Stirling , where the castle was proving too hard a nut for the Jacobites to crack , and , several hundred men having been lost to no purpose , the siege was finally , soon after the Battle of Falkirk , abandoned , Lord George Murray and other senior commanders having persuaded the prince , much against his will — ‘ Good God !
10 14 October , 1969 TONY BENN records in his diary : ‘ In the evening Caroline and I went to Number 10 for a dinner for the American astronauts , the first three men to have been on the moon .
11 ‘ Some of these men had been so badly damaged , both physically and mentally , by their experiences on the battlefield and in POW camps that their lives were ruined . ’
12 But he denied newspaper reports that the men had been involved in last December 's bombing of a Pan Am jet which exploded above the Scottish village of Lockerbie with the loss of 270 lives .
13 The prosecution alleged that the men had been responsible of 222 acts of terrorism which it then reduced to 193 .
14 Jewish men had been expected — unrealistically in the conditions of the Diaspora — to make regular pilgrimages to the Holy City .
15 He knew of petty quarrels between men of different tribes which , inadequately composed , had grown ; in one case thirteen men had been killed .
16 Mr Mark Davies , NUM branch secretary , said the trapped men had been in high spirits throughout their ordeal , singing and joking and , at times , trying to move rubble themselves .
17 So many men had been killed or wounded in the war , that it would be ten years before another generation would fin the gaps .
18 But , as I have said , the impression I was given in 1944 by three officers of the S.A.S. was that Leslie and his men had been dropped , and that only the plane itself had not returned .
19 Among the professional politicians there could be little opposition , partly because the key men had been arrested but largely because all attempts to rouse the people made by those still at liberty failed dismally .
20 Four men had been killed .
21 The young men had been playing football against a team from the small local college at Adrar , the town which was for me the end of tarmac and the beginning of the desert ; for these city boys , it was the last outpost .
22 The Parish population , always minimal , had sunk to nil after the last two men had been hung for sheep-stealing .
23 By the end of August many men had been sent as replacements to the 51 st Division , to the Black Watch and Seaforth Highlanders and some to the KOYLI .
24 When the parties returned , it was to report that no more men had been found and that there was no way out .
25 He was lowered down the main shaft and once underground tried to make his way to the area in which the missing men had been working or to any passageway in which they could have sought refuge .
26 Resources in men and equipment were summoned from the Ayrshire and Lanarkshire coalfields and within hours a team of vastly experienced men had been brought together .
27 Millions of men had been butchered during the first World War , and in post-war years , the ratio of births , as I understand it , was four to one in favour of baby girls .
28 Some of the men had been collecting driftwood and dry sticks and branches from among the trees ; a small fire was coming to life , crackling and spluttering sparks into the haze of heat above it .
29 The men had been in unknown country , chasing the boar uphill , when the rule is to chase downhill only .
30 Left under-equipped by the Martini , it had taken him too long to realise that copper vats were not now to be had ; that all the pottery stores had somehow been requisitioned ; that skilled men had been seduced away to serve elsewhere .
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