Example sentences of "often [vb -s] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As most houses consist of large drawing rooms and smaller bedrooms and studies , the chief of the office often sits alone in the best room , while the clerks are put into the smaller rooms .
2 I have long , naturally curly hair which always seems to be dry and often goes frizzy .
3 Being at the bottom , they feel their contribution often goes unrecognized , at least by the authorities .
4 The number of cases is not recorded ; the number of deaths is officially put at 855 , and may have been much higher , since diarrhoea is so common there that it often goes unreported .
5 But the heavier load that the manager bears in these bureaux to maintain a larger team and to open longer hours to the public , as well as doing in-depth work , often goes unrecognised .
6 It may be that he or she has been working quietly away in the background or it could be a single , dramatic act of true heroism in harrowing circumstances that we hear about but often goes unrewarded .
7 This is very natural and , as the plaque is white , it often goes unnoticed .
8 Their impact upon the quality of environment of older urban areas often goes unnoticed , yet as in this scheme in Edinburgh 's Lauriston Place , their access to government funding can lead to major townscape enhancement .
9 The damage to the integrity of the US banking system caused by the feckless management of the savings and loans system — which before US financial deregulation did much the same job as our own building societies — has been so extensive that its impact often goes unstated .
10 The plight of abused ( physically , emotionally and sexually ) children is a tragic and sensitive story which apparently often goes undetected because the mother , fearing reprisals or removal of the children , does not report abuse by her husband/partner or visiting relative ( who often is the perpetrator ) ; in many cases having suffered violence herself from him ( Jones , 1988 ) .
11 Wizadora is a young wizard who has n't yet mastered her magic spells — and as a result her magic often goes wrong !
12 The work of Lothian Regional Council 's Water and Drainage Department often goes unseen .
13 Considering the time we invest in choosing our dream home and refurbishing it , security often receives scant attention — and by the time we do get round to dealing with it , it may be too late .
14 Because the menstrual disturbance often precedes severe weight loss and may persist after weight is regained , other factors must also be involved .
15 The question ‘ What is your job ? ’ often produces considerable prestige bias ( so that a ‘ plumber ’ becomes a ‘ heating and sanitary engineer ’ ) or vagueness , e.g. ‘ businessman ’ .
16 Positive control of transcription often involves stimulatory protein-protein interactions between regulatory factors and RNA polymerase .
17 By their very nature they must be worked where they occur and extraction often involves environmental nuisance and danger .
18 Eurocurrency business is in very substantial sums and also often involves governmental or governmental agency transactions .
19 This often involves in-service training for workers so that they can acquire the skills necessary to collect and use information well .
20 The channel used to transmit the message is usually less direct and often involves sophisticated modern technology , but the system still depends on recognised codes , custom and expectations .
21 The attraction of technology transfer to SMEs is that it often involves incremental improvements to products and processes which offer a rapid return and reduced risk .
22 However , for our present purposes this is unnecessary ; and in any event it often involves ill-conditioned equations and so lacks accuracy .
23 There is evidence ( Bergen , 1982 ) that positive bias is often associated with West German industry , while UK engineering more often displays negative bias .
24 Disclosing things about yourself often encourages other people to open up too .
25 Alcohol often tastes vile to people who are n't used to it .
26 Its feathers are ruffled , as those of a genuinely sick bird would be , and this ruffling often exposes bright patches of plumage that add to the conspicuousness of the display .
27 Many of these organizations have regular newsletters , for example the Interfaith Center has The Corporate Examiner and the flood of environmentalist and consumer-advice literature that began in the 1980s often contains material critical of the TNCs .
28 The animals ' food often contains toxic test substances or they may be forced to swallow huge capsules or have toxic creams rubbed into their raw skin .
29 I 'm getting so expert with my chopsticks now that I can almost eat my soup with them — actually , that 's not so silly as it sounds , as the soup often contains large lumps of meat and veg .
30 Technical sales literature often contains important data such as circuit diagrams and explanations on how improvements have been effected .
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