Example sentences of "often [v-ing] over " in BNC.

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1 Gregarious , often feeding over fresh water .
2 In essence , the effect of medically conceived interpretations and solutions has been to provide institutional care settings and services , often taking over pre-existing custodial arrangements , in which basic nursing care , supervision and protection have been provided , with drug therapy as the major planned ‘ intervention ’ or treatment .
3 The resulting shallow pits and pools , often extending over many hectares , accumulate salts and nutrients from year to year .
4 Ackerman also found that in integrated firms there was a great deal of divisional-HQ interaction over significant investments , often extending over several years , and that this was a powerful device for gaining commitment to major projects , although the impetus any project gained was also a function of fairly subjective , often political factors .
5 Continental basins generally seem to be long-lived features with a subsidence history often extending over a period of 100 Ma or more .
6 Anyone who deals with Ottoman institutions will know how perilous is the task of trying to define terms , since a number are possessed of multiple significations , often changing over a period of time , and the particular sense intended in any given case is not always clear from the context : will serve as one example , another , and , in the learned profession , which has the limited sense of a student at the Sahn and the wider sense of any student in " higher " education , that is , at a 20-akce medrese or above .
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