Example sentences of "both at the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I saw you both at the Castle , then I lost you . ’
2 Everyone in the board room was either clearing his throat , or shifting position in his seat , or doing both at the same time , which is actually rather difficult .
3 He is famed for his ‘ laid-back ’ attitude , his apparent unconcern about his actions both at the crease and at press conferences , and such an easy-going approach led many people to believe that he had little real commitment .
4 This chapter investigates how that world appeared to the players and the lookers on , both at the time and afterwards .
5 In 1951 he made his highest score , an 87 against Glamorgan , and also returned his best analysis , seven wickets for 49 against Lancashire , both at the Oval .
6 Manchester provided a good site for developing a dye industry because it was both at the heart of the Lancashire textile industry and it was close to a developing university .
7 Every culture as well as the personal adjustment of each individual gives evidence of this , both at the level of the unconscious as well as conscious processes . ’
8 They , like the plane , in later years , represented a special link in the canal line between the East Midlands and London , a line for which there were great hopes both at the time of construction at the beginning of the nineteenth century and of its rehabilitation at the end of the century .
9 It seemed to be impossible to straighten both at the same time ) and thrust out his chest .
10 for it would have been possible , they argue , to move towards a system that examined knowledge and skills which crossed old subject boundaries ; a new way of looking both at the sciences and the arts could have been incorporated in the new syllabuses .
11 Finally he suggested that the committee would have to look both at the alternative provision for the 16–19 age-group that was provided by BTEC , CGLI , CVPE , and RSA ( all that which is to come under the general control of the new National Council for Vocational Qualifications ) and at the extent to which pupils who have followed GCSE courses may have become accustomed to a different kind of assessment procedure from that incorporated in A levels .
12 Our actors , with their wide experience of running theatre workshops both at the Summer School and throughout the Continent , aim to develop this side of their work in Oxfordshire .
13 Now , if we think about actions which might have a beneficial effect on welfare or on conservation , there are some which benefit both at the same time .
14 There she was scolded and comforted — both at the same time — by the rough tongue and warm heart of Aunt Nellie , the Yorkshirewoman who kept house and served petrol for Jenny 's father , who was a widower .
15 There was Sgt Steve Murdoch , a rough diamond of a Scot who broke all the rules by dating Sandy and an Intelligence Sergeant both at the same time — that is , on alternate nights .
16 He was totally involved with looking , both at the fine details of the minutest forms and tiny plants and of the scene as a whole .
17 Some are showing how to do both at the same time
18 Local experience suggests that can not be both at the same time
19 Local experience suggests that they can not be both at the same time .
20 Membranes are used both at the interface with the bulk sample and between the biolayer and the transducer ( Fig. 1 ) .
21 And suddenly they embrace , both at the same time , quickly and impetuously .
22 They can do both at the same time .
23 He will then explain that the banns will be called three Sundays before the wedding date , both at the church , and at the parish church of your partners if this differs .
24 After a year-long pre-entry course , she began a BA Hons degree in Humanities , both at the Teesside Polytechnic .
25 Then came more harrowing defeats to fellow Scot Alan McManus , both at the UK Championship and then at this week 's Coalite World Matchplay in Doncaster .
26 So you may omit a parent company p&l account or a cash flow statement , but not both at the same time !
27 Allow an ‘ activity space ’ around each piece , which can overlap with the next if you are not likely to use both at the same time .
28 Colour by Sara Jane and colour by Maria , both at the N.F.B. salon
29 In view of my evident misery , both at the onset and towards the end of the disease , the two statements may at first seem irreconcilable : I was desperately unhappy and had known for years that death can put an end to everything , including unhappiness .
30 However , from a sociological perspective there are a number of gaps in Barthes 's analyses , both at the substantive and theoretical levels .
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