Example sentences of "both to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , if this is really understood , this purpose can be achieved through a great variety of approaches with regard both to content and method .
2 Stable isotope analysis ( see glossary ) can be used both to provenance the marble used and to solve some particularly knotty problems caused by over-enthusiastic restoration , where fragmentary pieces were re-assembled , frequently incorporating new pieces of marble , to make the statue appear whole .
3 Because ‘ energy and matter are fundamental both to physics and chemistry ’ , it can be argued that physics and chemistry are not completely different subjects , but part of one body of knowledge .
4 In a speech to mark the first anniversary of the overthrow of former President Mohammed Siyad Barre , on Jan. 26 , Farah Aydid stated his readiness for a truce , but reiterated his implacable opposition both to Mahdi Mohammed and to the idea of an international peacekeeping force , which he said would serve only to protect the " self-appointed " interim President from the Somali people .
5 Given SAAB 's very positive experience with line-out , it is surprising that BL did not consider emulating it in that it appeared to offer benefits both to management and workers .
6 The project has now been cancelled , despite continuing support from local politicians , due both to lack of funds and studies which showed that it would operate at only 25 per cent of capacity in winter , when electricity demand is highest .
7 Individuals can , if they wish , contribute both to company AVCs and to a free-standing plan or plans .
8 Without doing so , we could miss vital factors of detriment both to water voles and other wetland wildlife .
9 Hence , another key aspect of spatial user interface design is that it must seek both to structure and filter human perception of space and spatial relationships when expressing an operation and passing it to a GIS .
10 Smoking is linked both to lung cancer and coronary heart disease .
11 Simultaneously , they propose the general liberalisation of prices applying both to enterprise and the public .
12 His attitude both to life and art , charming enough in him , when taken up by others as a general cultural ideal becomes something deadly , especially for the English , an intelligent but very lazy people , far too easily bored , and persuaded beyond argument that they are the Herrenvolk .
13 One is provided by the National Consumer Council in its report Ordinary Justice , with a proposed network of general advice centres with access both to specialist advice agencies , with salaried staff and volunteers , and the legal profession .
14 The problem was obvious : how to control the fast moving vehicle , to limit the damage it caused both to person and amenity , and to provide new or widened roads in areas of congestion .
15 How should we understand the state , its relationships both to society and to individuals ?
16 Children with other kinds of referrals are more like the comparison school children at follow up — less of a problem both to society and to themselves .
17 The instrument of resurrection was to be the turnpike. this custom prevailing , 't is more than probable , that our posterity may see the roads all over England restored in their time to such a perfection , that travelling and carriage of goods will be much more easy both to man and horse than ever it was since the Romans lost this island .
18 The Bible becomes his bastion against moral powerlessness , too , by reminding him constantly of the divine power that is available to overcome his weakness ( for " God is at work in you , both to will and to work for his good pleasure " ) .
19 When I am so self-centred that I would not dream of asking the Spirit for his strength , preferring to go my own way , I am encouraged to recall that ‘ God is at work in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure ’ ( Phil .
20 Mossop , faithful both to preference and history , remained in the car whilst Harry walked up the front path , trying to ignore the ravenous alsatian growling and tearing at the neighbour 's fence .
21 The same rate will usually be applied both to blockwork in partitions and cavity walls . )
22 The UK Department of Trade & Industry has granted two more national telecommunications licences , both to electricity companies : the two beneficiaries are the Energis subsidiary of the National Grid Co , and Scottish Hydro-Electric Plc .
23 Mainstream criticism of Distant Voices , Still Lives constantly referred the film both to art in general and to particular works of art .
24 The project should be an important original contribution both to history in a larger sense and to the theory and practice of intellectual history .
25 Yet , despite Maine 's hostility both to utilitarianism and legal positivism , J. S. Mill was an early admirer of Maine 's work .
26 Both to armchair academics , and , though museum displays , to the population as a whole , objects were representative of the peoples of distant cultures .
27 I believe that it is due both to privatisation and to the benefits of restructuring , especially in the electricity industry .
28 The collection and computerization of data will form the basis for investigation of six areas of Korean development which are considered to be under-researched by both Koreans and Korean specialists , and which are of relevance both to development policy and to the identification of future potential economic opportunities for Britain in South Korea as well as the future impact of Korea on the world economy .
29 Keep track of software issues both to development teams and to the end user .
30 This is drawn up by the curriculum committee , which argues that since God , death , suffering and the purpose of life are all at the heart of religion , and since children sometimes ask questions about them , the class teacher should not only teach about these matters , but be subject both to assessment procedures and to official inspection .
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