Example sentences of "given by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are also sessions on developing hobbies such as gardening , bridge , golf and ballroom dancing , and talks on skin care and make-up given by experts .
2 He believed a truer picture of the company 's performance was given by earnings figures calculated on a current-cost basis , which rose by just 8 per cent to £3.1 billion on turnover which fell by more than £1 billion to £73 billion .
3 The portal was given by King Manuel 1 .
4 One outstanding exhibit is the silver-gilt processional cross which was given by King Manuel I who had ordered the construction of Funchal Cathedral and under whose patronage Vasco da Gama discovered India .
5 This research allows international comparisons to be made concerning the level and quality of all the general support services given by agencies and governments to contractors and consultants of Britain 's major competitors .
6 Two letter of thanks were then read — the first from Edith Harlow thanking all the teachers for the lovely handbag , matching gloves and cheque which were presented to her at the Essex Rally together with a jewel box , cheque , flowers and an iced cake all given by Essex teachers and class members .
7 Plenary lectures will be given by Prof R. Baker ( Merck , Sharp and Dohme ) , Prof G.M. Blackburn ( Sheffield ) , Dr D. Buckle ( Smith-Kline Beecham ) , Prof M Houslay ( Glasgow ) , Dr S. Moncada ( Wellcome ) , Prof R. Ramage , ( Edinburgh ) and Dr R. Storer ( Glaxo Group Research ) .
8 Lectures will be given by Prof J. E. Baldwin , Prof C. T. Walsh and Prof D. Arigoni .
9 The keynote lecture will be given by Prof Violetta N. Fomenko ( Ministry of Health , Moscow ) .
10 When it acquired the painting for the sum of FFr5 million ( £511,000 ; $889,000 ) the Louvre acted in good faith following guarantees given by Christie 's lawyer Paul Lombard and by a Swiss notary .
11 The leading judgment , expressing the majority view , was given by Lamont J. The maxim , which I have already quoted , led to the conclusion that as the child en ventre sa mère was born alive it was to be treated as having being alive while en ventre sa mère and so could claim damages for an injury at that time .
12 Such evidence is given by phrases including ‘ I saw women with prams obstructed by the offending vehicle parking across a pavement ’ ; ‘ several motor cars had to negotiate carefully and slowly to pass the offending vehicle ’ etc .
13 A discussion of these X-radiographic techniques is given by Hamblin ( 1971 ) .
14 An atomised serialised mass of proletarians demand to be given by society , or more precisely the state , what they are unable to take or produce ’ ( 1982 : 240 ) .
15 I would suggest that this level of support given by child benefit would price many jobs into a claimant 's reckoning .
16 Whenever the potential difference across a resistance is reduced to a fraction A of a previous value , the current through it is also reduced to the same fraction A and the attenuation of power is given by A 2 .
17 An alternative definition is given by Frank Jefkins , an acknowledged UK authority on the subject :
18 TJ , who did not give evidence , was convicted and appealed , submitting that ( 1 ) the judge was wrong to rule that there was no breach of the Code ; ( 2 ) the judge wrongly told the jury that there had been no breach , thus undermining the defence speech to the jury on this point ; ( 3 ) the evidence was unsafe and unsatisfactory having regard to the evidence given by D ; and the judge should have withdrawn the case from the jury .
19 Suppose the demand curve , reflecting social marginal benefit , is given by D 2 D 2 and that the industry begins with the capital stock for which Q is the maximum output and SMC the relevant short-run marginal cost curve .
20 A typical stress-strain law including non-local effects is given by Edelen ( 1976 ) :
21 A recent description is given by Embrey and Symes ( 1987 ) .
22 from The Sixth Exercise given by Paul Klee at the Bauhaus , 3 July 1922 from Paul Klee Notebooks Volume 1 : The thinking eye
23 The climatic boundaries of this graph are in part the same as those given by Penck ( 1910 ) , Davis ( 1912 ) and Troll ( 1947 ) whose influence is acknowledged by the writer .
24 J.F. de Freitas , at Hammersmith and West London College , has adapted advice given by Mordecai Rubin to his trainees at Columbia University .
25 This offer was not accepted , the three weeks expired and instructions were given by GFT to their company solicitors to commence winding-up proceedings .
26 The judgment of the court was given by Slade L.J .
27 The information on obtaining funding for a part time senior registrar post given by J E Morrell and A J Roberts will soon be superseded .
28 The Gilmerton Bypass has been designed by civil engineering staff in the Regional Council 's Department of Highways with specialist advice being given by J W H Ross & Co , Consulting Mining and Civil Engineers , in the treatment of old mineworkings .
29 This was the main message given by Geoffrey Robertson QC , a key defence lawyer in the Matrix-Churchill trial which led to the ‘ Iraq-gate ’ controversy , in his speech to 80 lawyers at the Amnesty Lawyers ' AGM for England and Wales on 17 November .
30 It was unclear whether Japanese armed forces would be developed significantly but given the covert encouragement given by General Willoughby and others to Japanese defences — of which the Soviet Union could not have been unaware through intelligence activities — disquiet was bound to increase .
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