Example sentences of "given [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Given the sight distances actually available , speeds should be restricted to about 8 km/h , but cars are unlikely to travel this slowly unless physical measures are put in place .
2 I would argue that the introduction of literate/pre-literate as the criterion for making such a division has given the tradition a new lease of life just as it was wilting under the powerful challenge of recent work in social anthropology , linguistics and philosophy .
3 Is not the excessive stress on labour rights unnecessary in Japan given the tradition of reciprocal labour/management relations ?
4 To consolidate his position he had given the baronage their first general charter of liberties , and he had promised generous payments to the count of Flanders for mercenaries .
5 ‘ I 've given the calf an injection for ‘ cuff ’ pneumonia . ’
6 Given the pace of microchip development , legal action over the 486 may take too long .
7 The Tokai Bank Ltd of Japan , one of the world 's largest financial institutions , has given the University £500,000 to establish the Tokai Bank Chair in International Finance .
8 The women 's support groups and community organisation of the miners ' strike have given the union movement a new and wider perspective .
9 Without addition , Bradburn was sure he had taken No. 11 Michael Owen at first slip off Hayes , but was not given the decision .
10 Given the decision to opt out of the social charter in Europe can the Prime Minister confirm that he is planning to fight the next general election on the slogan ’ Vote Tory for the lowest wages , least consultation and worst employment protection in Europe ’ ?
11 I would suggest that given the decision we prepared to make now even if you have to send a deposit get the local party to stump up the deposit and collect the money as soon as convenient from the people who are committed to going .
12 Given the date , it was then a question of working backwards and consulting an old diary ; and I found that during the period in question I was in India for Panorama .
13 The Soil Association , British Organic Farmers and the Organic Growers Association would like to see organic farming given the type of financial assistance that conventional farming receives from the Government .
14 Given the type 's fairly low profile in the completed film , it is remarkable that such a large number of Flying Fortresses were gathered .
15 With several separate aquaria , each kind of animal can be given the type of food it needs , and animals that feed on other animals can be kept apart .
16 The intensional level structures which we are describing here are not rules of logical combination , constrained by what may or must be possible , given the type meaning of the words which are combined ; there is any amount of evidence to this effect if we simply allow our attention to rest on it .
17 Given the price of the chips , audacious launch of the day went to Advanced Logic Research Inc which claims to have desktop , Pentium-based machines starting at $2,500 .
18 Configuring is easy ; any simple comms program will do , but none is supplied , which is extraordinary , given the price of the Teleprocessor .
19 These , again , are pre-set to a small selection , but , noticeably , they include only those colours that normally print well with a three colour ribbon , which , given the price and target audience of the program , is a sensible move .
20 If the current market price of the CD including accrued interest is P and the current yield is r , we can calculate the yield given the price using or the price given the yield using where M = face value of the CD , F = maturity value of the CD , N im = number of days between issue and maturity , N sm = number of days between settlement and maturity , N is = number of days between issue and settlement .
21 Given the price of the underlying security , the risk-free rate of return and the exercise price , the price of the call represents the factor which brings the system into equilibrium .
22 When we 're given the price tag , eighteen pounds , that 's a different matter .
23 Given the price inelasticity argument , changes in duties in the annual budget are probably best seen as motivated by revenue-raising considerations .
24 It provides a rather more formal learning structure , and given the price of beer over a session can probably be had at a similar cost .
25 ‘ Then ’ in 1960–3 , eighteen years ago ; and in the meantime , apart from summarising my reflections and discoveries before they passed from my memory in a slim volume entitled Medicine and politics , I have done what most ex-ministers do when they have a left most departments — given the subject a wide berth .
26 But it was clear that they had not given the subject much thought , nor did they feel there was any need to .
27 It thus gained a considerable audience , including many people who would not normally have watched a film of this type given the subject matter .
28 Even Robert Bakker , a paleontologist now at Colorado University and one of the most original and interesting of dinosaur academics , has not , I suggest , given the subject of dinosaur size as much attention as it deserves , and consequently many of his arguments concerning metabolism , which we will examine in the next chapter , remain fatally flawed .
29 Although Yohkoh has not sewn up all of solar physics ( no surprise , given the subject 's complexity ) it is showing where explanations to many of the spectacular coronal phenomena may be found .
30 My father would probably have agreed with him , had he given the subject his attention .
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