Example sentences of "much of the " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , being familiar with an approach takes away much of the need for real judgement .
2 The acceptance of the tax cut in the House last month , against the wishes of Democratic leaders , has used up much of the good will cautiously built up earlier in the year for a medium-term , bipartisan deficit-cutting campaign .
3 The leaflets , softer in tone than much of the BMA campaign , suggest that hospitals that fail to compete in the new NHS market could go bankrupt ; GPs will be forced to compete for patients , with those that take on more having less time for patients ; while ‘ opted out ’ hospitals may drop some specialist services if they are not financially viable .
4 In private Michael still had to keep his end up against attacks , that to be religious was to be a fool , though less frequently now because Frank travelled abroad and was away much of the time .
5 Early season winds are cold and take away much of the pleasure .
6 Administration takes up much of the day , especially if there are a lot of patrols .
7 Jack avoided being a witness to these scenes much of the time by residing in college .
8 ‘ If the pelargoniums were overwintered in their old containers then it is best to remove them , shake off much of the old potting compost from the roots and repot in fresh compost — moderately heavy , with good drainage but not more than one-quarter peat or other organic matter .
9 Within the next ten years much of the Amazon Rainforest could be wiped out .
10 The first is usually ignored and forgotten : it consists of farmers and peasants who live miles from anywhere in the largely inaccessible tangle of mountain and forest that make up much of the land area of the eastern end of the Central American isthmus .
11 By 1981 much of the intellectual spadework for the Reagan presidency had been done .
12 So the government risks a revolt by those rural stalwarts who do much of the legwork during general elections , as well as years of ill-mannered squabbles as the two sets of councillors argue their worth to the commission .
13 He helped by doing much of the specialist machining work and designing many of the one-off items needed to marry up the different parts .
14 Despite the farmer carrying out much of the field work himself , the ploughing and other cultivations was undertaken by contractors when the farmer was absent at his off-farm employment .
15 At this time much of the history was preserved in oral tradition , and there were long Frankish epic poems or cycles of ballads describing the deeds of his predecessors .
16 Lead levels from a system with lead piping are much higher in the first few pints that come from a tap that has been left turned off than after the water has run for a few minutes , as this flushes out much of the dissolved lead .
17 During several formal and informal meetings much of the discussion centred on the following :
18 In 1873 much of the mill was destroyed by a huge boiler explosion .
19 The Labour party was changing too : Aneurin Bevan died at the age of 62 in July 1960 , and with him much of the reforming passion which had created the Welfare State .
20 It is n't giving away much of the story to say that Miranda at first sees her mother 's behaviour — alternately doing everything she can to please her husband and then screaming rage at him for letting her down — as a clear example of women 's oppression .
21 Unfortunately some of this work was done without a proper appreciation of the fact that the presence of tree growth , and the shade it gave , prevented or at least discouraged the growth of water weeds , the existence of which could form an even greater obstruction than much of the tree growth .
22 Above the 1300-ft contour , the zone of limestone ends , and with it much of the interest in the walk .
23 There was nothing that the parish council could do , as at the time much of the area was within Old Alresford .
24 The government began by taking on much of the financial responsibility for education , with the exception of some school building .
25 On the lower slopes the ice scraped away much of the surface leaving smooth rounded hills , particularly in the Southern Uplands .
26 D. On the Lancashire side of the Pennines much of the coal which was in places where it was easy to mine has been extracted , and so mining is becoming more expensive .
27 Instead , the animal may use up much of the ‘ reserve ’ oxygen ( held principally in the muscles , bound to the pigment myoglobin ) ; and , more significantly , it will derive much of the energy it needs by anaerobic respiration , in which sugar is broken down to lactic acid , without the use of oxygen .
28 Although tramway traffic was still increasing in 1930 much of the equipment was due for renewal .
29 One of the main differences comes about through contact with Scotland , through seasonal emigration : it has left its mark both in technical features ( in the bowing , for example ) and in the repertoire of tunes — and to my ears , brought up in Scotland to ear fiddling at many Highland gatherings , the Music does have a more familiar ring than much of the rest of Irish music .
30 Contrary to popular belief , rainforests are not jungles through which you have to slash a path ; the tree tops screen out much of the sun and ground level plants do not grow that abundantly providing room to walk around in .
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