Example sentences of "used to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Lloyd , 39 , a councillor who works on the Ford assembly line in Southampton , is used to hopeless cases : his first political action as a child was to take the newsboys on his street out on strike .
2 The report says drugs were used to sedate troublesome patients .
3 Here in the UK we are used to major variations in water chemistry from area to area despite this being only a small country ; the huge Amazon system , however , consists generally of soft and acid waters .
4 But and I are so used to early rising now that we were awake betimes as usual .
5 I shall start with a misunderstanding which the method of explanation adopted here is likely to give rise to among readers used to philosophical explanations of concepts such as authority being presented as accounts of the meanings of words .
6 Strangely enough , they consistently demand outrageous prices for things like basket-case Eko Rangers and Westone basses that have obviously been used to fell fair-sized pine trees , but they also have the laughably ignorant if highly convenient habit of pricing guitar amplifiers on the simple basis of how large they are .
7 Access to quite large areas can be obtained in this way and negotiations may be held with estate officers used to legal agreements .
8 But it is a lawyers ' word , and those not used to legal language might naturally think that it meant changing something or exchanging property for other property .
9 When people from this background find themselves in the middle of an industrial set-up , it is not easy for them to adjust their values or frames of reference , just as people from an industrial society , used to individual wages and jobs , would feel confused if suddenly thrust into a peasant society .
10 The child required and was used to cooked food .
11 It 's all right for a man ; men are used to smutty books and vulgar jokes — women do n't go for things like that . ’
12 This may prove tedious to those used to alternative leisure pursuits .
13 And he wants to see a careful scrutiny to make sure that the existing money is used to greatest effect .
14 But much more needs to be done to co-ordinate effort if limited resources are to be used to greatest effect .
15 He was used to heavier controls than this , but an hour 's practice would make all the difference .
16 But they are just as difficult to read if you are used to political hypocrisy .
17 Afterwards , Mr Major said he was used to political turbulence and the ‘ rough and tumble ’ .
18 Used to young children , this variety is formally distinctive , with a special vocabulary , high pitch , loudness , slowness and exaggerated intonation contours .
19 Continual assessment and updating of instructors would ensure that the limited time available for training was used to best effect .
20 Just as it is necessary to ensure full involvement of members , so the time available has to be used to best advantage .
21 By and large , the occasions when the nobility might exploit a situation as cavalry and those when artillery could be used to best effect were not the same .
22 Although the last thing we want is a return to rigid central control , the NHS does need some coordination to ensure that scarce resources are used to best advantage and not wasted by the unsupervised duplication of facilities .
23 Once the ‘ ordinary ’ needs of daily life have been successfully provided , mentally disordered people living in the community need regular skilled review of their mental state to ensure that medical , nursing and psychological expertise is used to best effect to minimize the impact of the disorder .
24 True , he had frequently circumnavigated Ramsey Island but if the tides are used to best advantage then the Bitches will not be working as they are passed .
25 Well Gain Multimedia will enable you to turn on the workstation and it will talk to you , it will show you videos , it will show you animation as to how that workstation should be used to best advantage .
26 Debates about what a modern health care system can be expected to provide , how limited resources can be used to best effect and what needs to be done in a broader sense to improve the health of the population are edged to the margins or never addressed .
27 Dr Longstaff said : ‘ Our study will enable us to find out more about the causes of asthma , suggest ways of preventing it , and make sure the resources to treat it are used to best effect . ’
28 The relationship between the popes and the religious houses could be used to papal advantage .
29 Both works have slow movements of exquisite and radiant beauty ( that of K.467 was used to memorable effect in the film Elvira Madigan ) .
30 Jonadab was used to implicit obedience .
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