Example sentences of "quite [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 specific points in the development of people , whilst that we recognise that the partners in practice was going to go into a quiet spell er something but we would run the risk if that happened on losing the expertise , the skill base that we 've got there and the undoubted qualities of the people within , we had to find a way in which we could use that skill base and other practice er of the practice and in fact that 's been quite successfully achieved in in recent months er with due diligence work for example er with legal support work is another example , when people in the insolvency practice have been very active on special science weeks ago tree .
2 In the end , to his own surprise , be had quite successfully smoothed away her early-morning blues , and she 'd returned to sleep without having mentioned once the child she 'd lost .
3 They had quite successfully avoided talking about those two lately but some time they would have to — that was if Fernando 's intentions were serious .
4 The area is also wide and spacious , the main roof itself being quite remarkably formed with huge flat slabs of stone .
5 The consumption of goods is quite remarkably neglected as a subject of study outside of formal economics and models of individual purchasing behaviour .
6 These paragraphs are warmly supported , but unlike the visual impact criterion which , quite justifiably applies to the whole coastline , the ecological impact section seems to be restricted to designated sites only .
7 But now we can quite justifiably say , that land was handed over to you in excellent condition .
8 We could at that moment quite justifiably have concluded that the date of the bank was most probably in the early second century , like Verulamium , but we were saved from making this serious error by the presence in the trench of a small hearth immediately below the first load of rampart spoil .
9 During the Falklands War , for example , the Ministry of Defence quite blatantly manipulated press coverage in what it regarded as the national interest .
10 During Yeltsin 's campaign for the presidency Gorbachev had at times quite blatantly attempted to thwart him .
11 Here are people who quite blatantly do n't give a f— for social pleasantries , leastways not when they can lock themselves into a groove and cunningly misplace the key .
12 Yet only two weeks ago he was quite gladly chewing anything which dared to hove into view .
13 I want at the end erm , Chairman to give you my views of what is meant by er , an integrated and balanced community because I think that 's that 's quite important , but before I do that , I 'd like to mop up one or two er points right at the end in response to some of the contributions that have been made , and I 'll deal with them , Wincup , Curtis , Brook , er and Thomas , if that 's acceptable er to you , and really as far as Mr Wincup is concerned , he 's quite properly raised the issue of procedural issues about how the Greater York authorities is going to address moving towards er an agreed location , and quite clearly I 've got to reaffirm again that the County Council will want to look at both the greenbelt local plan report and your panel report before er it moves erm er forward or looks at any conclusions it may be moving to in the light of those er in the light of those reports , and quite clearly , as we all know , there are a number of options .
14 It is important to remember that a government 's power can and normally does quite properly extend to people who do not accept its authority .
15 A provider , being judged on the length of waiting lists , will simply accept for treatment the number of cases provided for in the contract , quite properly refusing further cases unless reimbursed on a cost-per-case basis .
16 The authority quite properly denies them the choice , and exercises it itself .
17 Otherwise the odd situation may result that a person will quite properly express his identification with a group by supporting an institution which grossly betrays its duties to the group .
18 For , at one extreme , we have a description of that unique quality for which the arts , and the arts in education in particular here , are quite properly prized : namely their existence , according to Ross , as ‘ special ways of knowing ’ , in which our ideas and feelings are expressed through an engagement with ‘ sensuous forms ’ using that form of direct symbolization identified by Langer , which , by definition , relies upon non-discursive forms of communication that by their very nature defy translation into words .
19 I believe it would meet the need which Mr has quite properly identified .
20 ‘ Thank Heavens for William , ’ she has since said as it meant she could now quite properly forsake the pills she was proffered by arguing that she did not want to risk physical or mental deformity in the baby she was carrying .
21 iv.86–160 ) , but when Clarence awakes they quite properly address him in verse .
22 In his earlier work Hare seemed to believe that there were alternative moral stances to the world , each of which might be equally rational , though we may quite properly condemn some of them from the perspective of the morality which we ourselves advocate .
23 Such a situation poses a threat to privacy which this draft directive quite properly addresses ’ .
24 And I believe quite properly directs development to those locations .
25 Teachers should realise , therefore , in presenting their programmes of Religious Education which seek to foster a personal faith and commitment they can quite properly assess pupils ' knowledge , understanding , skills and attitudes in varying degrees for the benefit of the individual pupil .
26 This is quite properly reflected in the first signal from $ Corps after Macmillan 's visit , referring to his " advice " that Tolbukhin should be approached about the handing over of the Cossacks .
27 It had a number of clauses in it designed quite properly to protect the company , but there was n't one , not one , that was relevant to my private life .
28 And , yes , it was made by Kemp , although some doubt could quite properly have been harboured on the matter : Ashenden knew the man , and knew his voice ; and in spite of what was probably a poorish extension-line , confirmation that the call was from Kemp had come from the telephone-operator , someone else who knew him — knew him very well , in fact .
29 Her will quite properly did not prevail ; and Mr Weatherill , in a House even more disorderly than its predecessors , is held to have served it well .
30 Evidently he thought that a person can quite properly use the word ‘ here ’ without knowing , either by acquaintance or description , some thing which is what the word means , but that the word ‘ I ’ is different , and therefore that someone who can not , however hard he introspects , discover some thing which is what the word means , should not use it .
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