Example sentences of "quite [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Forster is right that the correlation between the variables is far from perfect ; the data points are spread quite widely to either side of the line .
2 The growth in the number of those with a margin to spend after subsistence enables concepts like " rising expectations " or even " social emulation " to be applied quite widely to eighteenth-century English society .
3 Our dislike of late has turned quite rightly to an excess of animal fats , combined with a lack of fibre in the diet .
4 And it will appear to come quite naturally to them .
5 It comes quite naturally to them . "
6 In his statement , Subba Row , who is 57 years old , stressed that he believes that five years in office is sufficient , and that negotiating the International Cricket Conference agreement on South Africa , announced in January , was quite enough to be remembered by .
7 All this may seem quite enough to be going on with for ordinary mortals , but , amazingly , Muddle informs us ‘ Southwell is just a guinea-pig for Telford ’ .
8 It 's quite enough to be going on with . ’
9 That is a matter for future debate , certainly not for today when there is quite enough to be done in preparing colleges for self-governing status and ensuring that they have the support and expertise required to enable them to make a success of that .
10 That Ullmann-Harris model can be fitted quite nicely to Nottingham , because it does allow for anomalies such as the Park , and is flexible in its approach .
11 Erm if you look at er the kind of erm soviet er architecture of the thirties and you can relate that quite nicely to a kind of American corporate architecture in the fifties designed to project certain sort of things .
12 Christopher Trickie and his Wife … told Mogg that the French people had taken the plan of their House , and that They had also taken the plan of all the places round that part of the Country , that a Brook runs in the front of Trickie 's House and the French people inquired of Trickie wether the Brook was Navigable to the Sea , and upon being informed by Trickie that It was not , they were afterwards seen examining the Brook quite down to the Sea .
13 Well , you give the impression of a a faction in the party , now I could , I could serve this faction quite easily to Mike who 'd give me a lot of say if I said , you know , th the the plot thickens , you know , here 's a town
14 An insidious and intrusive pressure may be laid on pupils which , under the guise of a friendly and honest account of a pupil 's interests and activities , may prove just as much of a turn-off for the imaginative or deviant as the examination system itself , and may come quite soon to be regarded with cynicism by both pupils and employers alike .
15 It lends itself quite suitably to the UK sporting scene which is populated by many black sportsmen growing up in broken homes , settling on the side of the mother and eventually seeing the father as an anathema , as did Repton heavyweight Ray Tabi :
16 A discussion in our house on ( let's say ) the necessity of buying a new fridge will move swiftly to the education system ( via the rival claim of school fees to the purchase of the fridge ) and whether a move to another area might obviate the need for paying them , taking in a quick discourse on the immorality of contributing to the divisive education system in this country anyway ; this will lead to the if-we-sold-our-suburban-villa-we-could-buy-a-Georgian-manor-house-in-the-country conversation ; which will in its turn move on quite quickly to the horrors of British Rail and the greatly increased subjection to them that such a move would entail ; then we get to leaving all our friends behind , and to debating whether having them to stay at the weekends would not be perfectly satisfactory ; which will remind us that two or more of them are coming to dinner that very night and we 'd better get down to the off-licence ; then it 's shall-we-get-Muscadet-or-the-Chardonnay- again and for-heaven's-sake-get-enough which will get us back to the fridge , on account of last time we got the Chardonnay , I did n't put it in it soon enough .
17 When they are questioned on the attitudes , motivations and beliefs they bring to their tasks , strongly held schemas will often become obvious quite quickly to the trained observer who knows what he ( or she ) is looking for .
18 We 've been doing so because we believe that without an industrial strategy U K living standards and status will sink quite quickly to those of a Third World economy .
19 I could sidle up to the hi-fi and turn it off , snap on the light-switch and announce quite calmly to all the sycophants here that Luke Denner is nothing more than a callous murderer .
20 For example , if you have the situation where you want to put two occasionally-used machines quite close to one another , it may be to your advantage that their heights are exactly the same so the job can run across both tables .
21 It was during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I that the Burlington Arms was built in Church Street , Chiswick , quite close to St. Nicholas Church , and the building still exists , although much altered internally , and in more recent years used for residential purposes only .
22 The General 's father was the Rev. Henry Montgomery , the vicar of St. Mark 's Church , Kennington , when Bernard was born , but two years later he was appointed Bishop of Tasmania , to whence the family moved returning to England some twelve years later , when Bernard was fourteen years of age , and in January 1902 , the family moved into a Victorian house , 19 , Bolton Road , Chiswick , quite close to the River Thames and open sports grounds .
23 ‘ I wass quite close to it , after all — much closer than I thought . ’
24 Yet again , a big , comparatively heavy bait such as a lobworm , on a clean bottom may require only a few inches , for the sheer weight of this bait means the bream has to position himself quite close to it for the suck to be effective .
25 One or two people at the other end were snoring and once someone quite close to me shouted in his sleep :
26 Even in 1986 , a small household survey conducted in two suburbs of Maputo — Machava ( quite close to the centre ) and Xipamanine ( at a considerable distance from the centre ) found that 10 to 14 per cent of households questioned mentioned difficulties in letting their children attend school .
27 There is a dairy farm and two farmers who keep pigs quite close to the centre of the village , but the larger farms with their pigs and sheep and production of cereal crops are on the outskirts of the village .
28 However , the facilities we private pilots require are provided quite close to Auckland by two very active GA airfields , Ardmore and North Shore .
29 Had I hit it a bit harder , I would have got it quite close to the flag . ’
30 Brabham had come quite close to the championship in I975 , and in Reutemann and Pace it had two first-line drivers of the highest quality .
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