Example sentences of "quite [adj] here " in BNC.

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1 Our customers are very nervous because of the publicity that not everything is quite right here
2 The later movements in this symphony are more consistently successful , though the Beethovenian repeated-note fortissimos towards the end of the minuet could be ruder ; while in the Adagio , done with finesse and tenderness of line , the extraordinary nasal timbre of the muted trumpets never really tells — and the eerie sustained low C which should sound after the rest of the orchestra has stopped playing in bar 56 ( 4′43″ ) is quite inaudible here .
3 ‘ I could be quite wrong here , but amongst the French soldiers likely to attend the opera is one of exalted rank , married to an ageing but unfaithful wife , and with an eye for a pretty woman … ’
4 Unfortunately , the designer has integrated them in the text , and while this might be admirable for coffee table books or even guide books , it is quite wrong here as it makes them look cramped and mean .
5 So we listened to them and had a laugh , , teeny weeny what 's it , polka dot bikini they 're quite funny here .
6 No , I 'm quite serious here .
7 It 's quite cold here , and I expect it 's worse where you are …
8 Yeah , it would n't surprise me because it 's quite , quite cold here
9 ‘ I am quite comfortable here , ’ Alexandra said .
10 This bank 's getting quite healthy here
11 So she said , ‘ I am quite happy here , if you are .
12 ‘ I 'm quite happy here , thank you , ’ Lucasta said .
13 ‘ I 'm quite happy here , ’ and she would have been if only Peony could be pleased .
14 I said I must admit I 'm quite happy here .
15 I felt like the nineteenth-century missionary , Annie Besant , who wrote in her diary on Christmas Day , in a blizzard on a Tibetan mountain surrounded by absolutely untrustworthy tribesmen , ‘ Quite safe here with Jesus . ’
16 ‘ You 're quite safe here , ’ Betty reassured her .
17 Is n't it good of them spending all this time to be sure I shall be quite safe here ? ’
18 So that the , the dress reflects fashion , you can see we 've got a slightly puffed sleeve and it 's quite full here , but it is tight at the shoulder , and the shoulder itself , here we are , sort of slopes down , so you 've got the basic line of the full skirt , a bodice at the waist , and this is very pretty , this pleating here .
19 Another of the original apple trees makes it quite shady here even in the heart of summer so the planting is a subtle mix of hostas , ferns and other shade loving foliage plants .
20 When the meal was over , however , he would usually lick his lips and say , ‘ Mmm , quite nice here , is n't it ? ’
21 It 's quite permissible here , in fact quite normal , not to bother with wearing one .
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