Example sentences of "over in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I would pen them in a corner and the job would be over in no time .
2 I want to kiss you like a butterfly on mescaline , all over in a flurry of delirium , I want to bite you to the bones , to be so close to you there materialises a planet called us .
3 In order to provide ‘ permanent ’ help , many agencies operate a rota system with the carers working for a period of one or two weeks or a month , and then changing over in a planned way with another carer .
4 It must have been all over in a few seconds .
5 This conclusion , very obvious to historians and anthropologists , was a dramatic and difficult point to put over in a society which rejected this possibility as one of the first principles .
6 A grateful stock market was apparently convinced that the war would be over in a matter of hours , and so the Dow Jones roared to a 114-point gain .
7 The journey is a long one , but it is hurried over in a few words .
8 Three days ' journey on into the desert are hurried over in a verse , and then the people run out of water .
9 It was over in a few seconds .
10 To my dismay , the whole entrance to Clonmacnoise had been concreted over in a multi-lane car park that was almost totally empty .
11 The Germans certainly knew about Bawdsey : in 1938 they sent a Luftwaffe general over in a Zeppelin to cruise the Suffolk coastline , snooping into the manor 's electronic secrets .
12 The crowd of 7,000 — Aberdeen 's lowest of the season — had little to enthuse over in a drab second half in which Aberdeen had several excellent chances but displayed their old failing of not converting demonstrable outfield superiority into goals .
13 The forced sale was over in a matter of hours .
14 ‘ Stay here , ’ she told Nina , letting her hand go , ‘ this will be over in a moment . ’
15 Accordingly , instead of the war being over in a short time — as was thought by many — it became literally bogged down in trench warfare never previously experienced .
16 It nearly always came over in a bad light , as a bunch of cocooned scientists trying to hoodwink the common sense of ordinary folk .
17 Everyone thought the war would be over in a matter of months .
18 It was over in a matter of seconds .
19 In the early 1980s , at a time when manufacturing industry was collapsing and the outlook for the unskilled looked particularly bleak , frustration boiled over in a series of riots in London , Bristol , Birmingham , Liverpool , and elsewhere .
20 In addition to your normal credit facility , you will be able to call upon this additional reserve to help you cope with unexpected expenses such a last minute change to travel plans , or an unplanned stop over in a hotel .
21 Blown over in a freak gust outside the Metropole on 6 December 1940 ; car 50 was subsequently broken up .
22 It was all over in a few minutes .
23 Wars had been fought before by the regular Army , and this one , it was supposed , would be the same : it would be over in a few months , it not weeks .
24 As he spoke , the sideboard barring the entrance toppled over in a heap of shattered crockery and wood .
25 The pendulum which seems to have swung very far in one direction will either swing back or over in a circle and the extreme position will not be maintained .
26 Mr Smith slumped over in a chair , not looking up .
27 In the same way , when a teacher adjusts you into an upright position you will probably feel as though you are about to fall over in a forwards direction .
28 You see a car roll over in a film and people get up and walk away ; people I know have rolled cars and broken arms and legs . ’
29 Brown paint-streaked trouserlegs were tucked into the boots , and at the top the trousers ended in a scallop-shape where a hairy belly hung over in a loop , belly-button gaping .
30 Passing sentence , Mr Justice Latham said : ‘ Adolescent emotions boiled over in a way that older people would have been able to cope with . ’
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