Example sentences of "over to his " in BNC.

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1 He got up in his stately way and went over to his pantry .
2 Cameron jumped down from the granite post and walked over to his little committee .
3 However , it was suggested that he could overcome that hurdle by signing the Blackpool involvement over to his wife .
4 She wanted the world to go away and let her live with her lover in a secret palace , give herself over to his embrace , to be beyond responsibility and care and hard work and sanity .
5 Greeting him on his return from battle , she hands him over to his wife with palpable reluctance ; seeking to calm him before his confrontation with the people , she shackles him in an iron grip ; and , in the great plea with him not to sack Rome , she pinpoints the lines about him treading on his mother 's womb ‘ that brought thee to this world ’ .
6 Over to his right were the brilliant winking lights of the cafés , fish and chip shops , and illuminations along the promenade : harsh dazzling white , soft yellows and the fiery red and orange letters of neon signs .
7 He 's invited us over to his place for the circus and if we like it we can have one here .
8 Ignoring the newcomers , Hale coaxed Lawyer and his headmen over to his side by offering them personal guarantees and doubling the size of the proposed reservation .
9 A woman screamed over to his right .
10 He supported the old man over to his bed and fetched a glass of salted water from the kitchen for his teeth .
11 But as to what [ the gentleman ] observes concerning Stephen Duck , I am of Opinion , that it was not his Situation , but the Royal Favour , which gained the Country over to his Side ; and therefore I think it needless to paint the Life of a Person , who depends more upon the Curiosity of the World , than its Good nature
12 Lawler glanced over to his wife , who was sitting wrapped in an eiderdown .
13 ‘ You could easily slip over to his lodgings , in Tan House Lane .
14 He came to an arrangement with two more actors , gave the camera crews some private pocket money and turned the film over to his assistants .
15 I took my coffee and followed Trench over to his bed .
16 My father related that , when he was in the panel advising the consul Ducenius Varus , his own view prevailed , when Otacilius Catulus had instituted his daughter sole heir , left a legacy of two hundred to a freedman , and requested that he should make that over to his concubine ; and then the freedman had predeceased the testator , and the legacy to him had remained with the daughter ; that the daughter should be compelled to make over the trust to the concubine .
17 Graeme did all the cooing at first but has now turned his saucepans over to his talented young apprentice , Steve Webb .
18 Not only would The Silmarillion have to achieve the ‘ depth ’ it had already been used to create , it would have to do so without contradicting , and while if possible reinforcing , all the millions of details Tolkien had handed over to his readership already .
19 Then the Sheikh went over to his Youngest Son , spoke a word of blessing and lifted that tall boy in his arms as though he were a small child .
20 He looked haggard and angry as he walked over to his partner .
21 He stretched and got up , then trotted over to his water dish and slurped up a great guzzling mouthful .
22 Over to his left he caught a glimpse of a Georgian mansion huddled a quarter-mile off the main road .
23 A minute later he saw it flying past well over to his right at a height of about two hundred feet .
24 But he can not be a chief of staff ; no president can run the risk of seeming to hand the reins of government over to his Number Two .
25 She rolled over to his side , and he reached across to undress her .
26 For his part , the DGM began by spending a day a week at Banstead from April 1980 and subsequently took six weeks off from running the affairs of district administration , handing over to his deputy in order to work full time on the strategy for closure .
27 Billy sat in a far corner of the little pub with Chopper Harris , Frankie Albright and Freddie the Nark , and Freddie was trying hard to sound convincing as he put his plan over to his friends .
28 I went over to his home for a few days to sort out helmet and leather contracts .
29 Gloucester was clearly intent on overturning the settlement , and as well as seizing Richard Grey 's share , he ordered the young duchess to be handed over to his leading supporter the duke of Buckingham , presumably as a preliminary to resuming the whole duchy .
30 Grudgingly but fairly quickly Richard was induced to hand the castle over to his father .
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