Example sentences of "things at [art] " in BNC.

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1 No-one can hope to have a command of all these things at a first audition .
2 His assistant should have directed a scene after lunch but the director returned to find things at a stand-still .
3 She writes that it was ‘ one of the best , but it did not suit John , as he was accustomed to follow his whims , and invent or discover for himself , and therefore did not like the regimentation of doing things at a given time .
4 But since he can think only of a few things at a time , the routine function of his noble gift of reason must be to correct spontaneous reactions and keep them running in an intelligent direction .
5 There are some people who for one reason or another would n't experiment with things at a young age , and find that they like it , ’ said a married 39-year-old building surveyor .
6 His boat is only big enough to carry himself , and one of the three things at a time .
7 Brown had , very incautiously , said some things at a private dinner party that on a literal construction would have implicated the Labour Party in a rather nasty intrigue .
8 To go back and see it now might just upset the balance of things at a crucial time , when I am trying to make a very difficult adjustment to my life .
9 They found things at a very low ebb indeed , with less than 25 kibbles of ore mined a week and in fact from mid 1600 to mid 1601 the production was a very poor 92 cwt. of metal .
10 However , just to complicate things at a very early level , it 's often observed that agricultural products have what 's called a perverse supply response , in that there 's a negative relationship between prices and output .
11 If you were involved in things at a senior level , whether it were as an administrator , a Minister or even as a senior policeman , you had hundreds of things on the go at any one time .
12 ‘ How are things at No 4 Commando ? ’
13 If you get to know about these things at an early age you lose your shame and shyness .
14 For one thing there are usually very many other things at an event which need to be organised and directed by the PRO and a well briefed photographer can take at least one burden off the PRO 's shoulders .
15 but they 're bonded to different groupings so , for example , if one had something like this er , let's call that see three , page seven if I had something like that that central carbon there and when they draw these things at an exam paper , do n't expect it to be the central one .
16 Remember all these things at an interview and never let it be said that you are ‘ just a mother ’ !
17 But we actually talked about things at an appropriate level .
18 There is however a problem , if one is trying to do both these things at the same time .
19 ‘ I have never had to run so fast in a job in my life , and the incredible speed of things at the moment is all thanks to the recession , ’ he says .
20 At this point the two girls just marched off the train , one of them picked up David , the other one picked me up , screamed Russian things at the soldiers — I have n't a clue what they were saying — and marched us back on the train and barred the door , while the Russian soldiers were standing on the platform screaming horrible things at them .
21 Our commercial mushrooms have no dirt , no bugs , no bits or pieces , no little growing things at the bottom of the box . ’
22 He himself , he says , does ‘ not belong to the party that would condemn the common and familiar ways of speaking ’ , according to which we know many things at the level of appearances , such as that I am now seated rather than standing , and that fire appears hot rather than cold .
23 She cooked , she cleaned , she shopped , she walked Pilade , she saw to her lodgers — day after day she did the same things at the same time , and instead of being driven half mad with boredom , insane with frustration , she found herself strangely at peace .
24 ‘ It must be getting bored buildings things at the moment , , he told Endill .
25 Is it a pure contradiction to affirm both these things at the same time ?
26 We teachers need actually to say to the children that they are going to enjoy the work that day , that it will be interesting , and that they are going to know or be able to do things at the end of the day that they did n't know or were n't able to do before .
27 Here you bought things at the door — fish , pies , cakes ; you did n't know where they had been !
28 So we try and compensate by doing lots of family things at the weekends , when we are all together .
29 They swarmed up Parkside and boarded buses bound for Putney , shouting unpleasant things at the driver-conductor .
30 ‘ How 's things at the school ? ’
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