Example sentences of "more [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No more 'n usual . ’
2 He contends , in effect , that ethical statements do indeed do something more or different than merely state facts , even facts about the effects of actions on the general happiness , for they pick out actions for approval or disapproval .
3 Farmers can set aside more than minimum requirement ( this takes in farmers on previous five-year scheme ) .
4 Article 11 can hardly be said , therefore , to ‘ weaken ’ the Convention it allows States who wish to be more generous to a claimant than the minimum standards set out in the earlier articles to do so , but not for more than minimum standards to be imposed by a requesting State on a requested State .
5 Moreover , in these models , if the firms have different and non-constant marginal costs , a further source of inefficiency is that total market output will be produced at more than minimum total cost — the marginal costs of firms are not equalized at the equilibrium .
6 More than critical accounts of class or ‘ race ’ , feminism is currently an important vehicle for bringing into psychology the social questions which the discipline skates over .
7 But as workers were busily removing the offending logo from the congress hall yesterday , there were many signs that the change this time would be more than superficial .
8 Historical incidents were no more than superficial disturbances of the established order or recurring events of unchanging significance .
9 I had convinced myself that the massage had been no more than superficial .
10 Information collected about the relatives of cancer patients showed that only a minority have anything more than superficial contact with the staff caring for the patient , and a number of these relatives would have welcomed an opportunity to share their anxiety , not only about the patient but about their own feelings ( Bond , 1982 ) .
11 Neither was there evidence of anything more than superficial surface treatment .
12 I do n't quite know why , but he gave me the impression , without uttering more than a few words , that he had much more than superficial knowledge , and an amusing touch of the sardonic as well .
13 While examination of these features reveals that the resemblance is no more than superficial there is a need to investigate the form and arrangement of both the hard skeletal structure and the soft tissues such as the tentacle and water vascular system associated with the second oral tentacle pore .
14 Much more one can not say , because although Mitchell made admirable attempts to colour and project his lines , the quartet playing was so uncommitted and flabby , so lacking in dynamic range and in lustre , that Crawford 's music had little chance to make more than superficial impact .
15 A real page-turner , with a more than satisfying conclusion .
16 When they turn up at the office next day looking as if they 've missed out on their sleep , however , they could get more than teasing comments from their colleagues .
17 We should mean something to each other , something more than animated objects , walking .
18 Because , after all , no-one had , as yet , told him that Presley City was going to be little more than blackened rubble in just two days time .
19 The efforts of the Russian Formalists were directed towards justifying the independent existence of literary studies , and transforming students of literature into something more than second-rate ethnographers , historians or philosophers .
20 Later , when they discovered that the couple were not married , they were more than indignant — they were scandalised .
21 Hostess work in some of the clubs involved little more than chiselling money out of tourists for fake champagne , and the money that changed hands for street assignations almost invariably led to an instant disappearance with no follow-through .
22 He could almost believe in the concept of the soul , because something more than physiological processes had inhabited this boy 's body , something total , something unique ; the pathetic shell it had left behind , with a luggage label hanging from the toe , bore silent witness to that .
23 Kenya 's ‘ Harambee ’ , Ghana 's ‘ Operation Feed Yourself ’ , Botswana 's concern over water resources and the concept ‘ One Nigeria ’ are far more than political slogans .
24 When a former Chinese concubine succeeded to the throne of the Tang dynasty as the Empress Wu , she struck a note for feminism in more than political terms .
25 George Dempster , the member of parliament for Dundee burghs , whose election at St. Andrews would ‘ certainly turn on a single vote unless I am able to provide a Councillors son in a Kirk ’ , urged nothing more than political consequences when pressing for the settlement of the St. Andrews clergyman , and many presentations were indeed political bribes .
26 Much of the content of such literary activity was little more than political pornography .
27 Environmentalists , who have long campaigned for a single agency , have expressed their concern that the plans for the reform of the Inspectorate amount to little more than political opportunism and will have little real impact .
28 You can not , in a post-industrial nation , make more than fitful sense of an early Victorian doctrine of class-war .
29 During the long sea voyage , Thomas Burns was seen as a leader in more than religious matters .
30 At first this was forthcoming , social stability mattering for more than religious principle , but the next forty years saw a growing split in the ranks of the Sussex leaders as Puritanism spread and the remaining Catholics came under suspicion for their dual allegiances .
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