Example sentences of "more [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Socio-economic status is one such property where we can classify individuals as having " more " or " less " status but not be able to say how much more or how much less status one person has with respect to another .
2 Painfully — for no work cost him more or perhaps as much as this one — Dostoevsky came to see that The Possessed was n't a sideshow .
3 I would say that the child is capable — more or less — of recognizing that other people have mental states different to his own .
4 And the ‘ they ’ of more or less the whole town will have heard too .
5 ‘ Rivalry within the PDPA is a phenomenon that more or less belongs to the past , ’ he said .
6 An American Congregationalist , for example , saw no possibility of uniting with Rome and every reason for not uniting with Rome — let us join the Churches which teach more or less the truth , not the Churches which do not .
7 The conception of all of them , in more or less their present form , dates from the social revolution of 1942 to 1944 .
8 They should devote themselves wholly to the problem of making life in South Africa , regarded as more or less a foreign country , bearable for self-respecting British men and women .
9 There Engels more or less tells us that the scheme presented is not likely to be changed by new discoveries .
10 Shipman 's two-volume Story of the Cinema ( Hodder and Stoughton ) is also a very good read — the first volume goes up to Gone With The Wind and the second starts with Citizen Kane and reaches more or less the present day .
11 It 's possible to trace George Michael back to the colourmotion , the white funk irony that more or less began with ABC and spawned a straight , bleached-out generation of Howard Jones and ( eventually ) the Hues , Wets , Styles and Curiositys ad nauseam .
12 Two of his partners protested promptly that the said Susy was fully deployed on their cases , and Peter Yeo settled down to reorganize the workload , emerging after ten minutes ' hard negotiation with more or less the conclusion he had wanted .
13 The earliest that the whole — more or less — of the industry will be able to take advantage of its single market now looks like being mid-1994 .
14 All that was necessary to bring it on in more or less its full force was the sight of the Bible , its cover or open page , or its mere name , or the sight of a church , or the sound of any bell ringing solemnly , from Big Ben down to the bell of the Sunday muffin men .
15 Indeed , the threatened coal strike of 1925 , which occurred at more or less the same time , seemed to confirm this impression .
16 Always wear clothes to reveal your shape when having these taken , and adopt more or less the same poses .
17 With a feeling of having been unexpectedly let out of school , I drove over the hills on the road to Reading and coasted along the unfenced part of the Quillersedge Estate until I thought I 'd come more or less to where Gareth had dropped the paint : parked off the road there and searched more closely for the place on foot .
18 He let Slovakia go more or less its own way under the puppet regime of Father Tiso .
19 According to Lindsay Neil , manager of the authority 's HIV , Aids and sexual health programme : ‘ Members of these communities are no more or less at risk of HIV infection than others . ’
20 Now he appears as a policeman , but in more or less the same character , as the star of his own series .
21 Although they describe harvest feasts in an opposed manner , Leapor and Duck are engaged in more or less the same argument .
22 That the owners are not described may imply that they have withdrawn from the close relations with tenants , servants , and labourers that is called for from lords of the manor ; they have grown remote in more or less the way described by Bloomfield in his discussion of the harvest feast .
23 By then , rigor mortis was progressing , but Noakes had got her more or less straightened out .
24 Mr Patten turned lexicographer in an article in the Guardian to define the concept in the following way : ‘ The active citizen is someone making more than a solely economic contribution to his or her community ; nothing more or less .
25 Miss Kenton and my father had arrived at the house at more or less the same time — that is to say , the spring of 1922 — as a consequence of my losing at one stroke the previous housekeeper and under-butler .
26 It appears to be aimed squarely at what the Americans would call a ‘ resort diver ’ , rather than someone like me who dives several times a week in more or less the same areas .
27 Grasses have a tendency to ‘ winter burn ’ more or less in proportion to the amount of herbage standing in a field at the onset of frosty weather .
28 Although care should be taken to choose varieties that ripen more or less at the same time to avoid losses , dredge mixtures are generally cut green and dried like hay to be fed ‘ on the straw ’ or made into silage .
29 No , I assure you of that but , well , for one thing the Elsie I knew made it clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself , start more or less from scratch .
30 ( Johnston 1976 , p. 217 ) At more or less the same time , Laura Mulvey took the discussion of women 's desire and fantasy out of the realm of the ideological/symbolic .
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