Example sentences of "know [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ah know nothin' about sails , nor does Nils — he 's a wizard of an engineer , that 's all .
2 And finally thank you to anybody else who know me for whatever they 've done during the year thank you .
3 But my friends all know me as Buck . ’
4 ‘ People know me in Weatherbury .
5 Those of you who know me from my earlier scribblings in PFK will be well aware of my feelings in relation to our responsibilities to do our best to maintain and care for the delicate marine creatures we take from the wild .
6 People write me letters saying that although they only know me from my photos , they feel that they know something about my personality .
7 This abberation apart , Chuff Chuff offered one of the best days out of the summer — little surprise to those who already know them as one of the Midlands ' most reliable and imaginative club promoters .
8 So I will always remind you of those things even though you know them as a firmly established in the truth .
9 Mm , it 's very easy to think that , until you know them as people , I must admit , there are ,
10 We perceive things as we know them to be , not necessarily as they are .
11 They are given in alphabetical order , and from my own experience I know them to be absolutely reliable .
12 Some of the courses I know , lecturers go drinking with the students and everything , but they 're all older , suits and ties and things , there 's nothing wrong with that , you just know them to be a lecturer and get on with the work rather than thinking , ‘ we had a nice drink last night , did n't we ? ’
13 I know them to be human creatures made in God 's image too , the womenfolk most lovely and most temperate ( for the most part ) , and I would not abet the evil Spaniard in his slanders .
14 One of the hardest things for women to bear is the way men reject tears as silly and irrelevant , when they know them to be important and valuable .
15 The laws of science , as we know them at present , contain many fundamental numbers , like the size of the electric charge of the electron and the ratio of the masses of the proton and the electron .
16 ‘ I 'll start with the facts as far as we know them at the moment . ’
17 Likewise with friends they 've probably got fewer friends but the friends they have got are very close friends and they know them on a much deeper level .
18 You can know everything about a person , and know them for years , and still be miles away from them .
19 He added : ‘ Now we know them for what they are — the party of devaluation . ’
20 Perhaps you know them over the garden wall to speak to you , you might even know their children by name and you know their christian name , but beyond that I think it 's true to say , even making allowance of generation gaps that you do n't know your neighbours in the same way that you knew your neighbours in London .
21 However , as we know them in the modern world , there are virtually no middle classes in 1700 .
22 Although we know them in the UK as mushroom corals , the common name of this species is something of a misnomer .
23 If we ask for them by name they 'll think we know them from somewhere . ’
24 But erm the comradeship there , I mean you very often see chappies now I d know them from the Home Guard , but otherwise I should n't have known them .
25 For we know them by heart after 18 long years ,
26 ‘ You know everyone in racing .
27 ‘ As I said , I know everyone in these levels .
28 They know nothing but Florence and , worse , they do n't care about anything that 's not to do with them and their boringly perfect city . ’
29 You all insist that I know nothing but nobody else can do this .
30 Lord Tedder , vice-chairman in the early fifties , admitted that ‘ I know nothing at all about broadcasting , but I can learn .
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