Example sentences of "'ll [vb infin] what " in BNC.

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1 I 'll explain what I used to do , locked up in my cell .
2 Er , whereas erm inheritance tax is an allowance which is given once and I 'll explain what that is .
3 ‘ Let me in , Ellen , and I 'll explain what happened . ’
4 ‘ If you 'll just give me a chance , I 'll explain what I was doing .
5 But I said there was another important aspect to this I would mention later , and now we 've reached that point , and I 'll explain what it is .
6 And when we talk later I 'll explain what really happened , and it wo n't be in the way he put it , ’ and with similar emphasis she turned the key ; but then allowed the car to glide forward .
7 Just , you 're just known as an A one , I 'll explain what it means in a minute .
8 Erm but what you 've got now if you , can I pass those round and I 'll explain what that says .
9 Well I 'll explain what radio is afterwards .
10 I think Mary 'll want what we 've bought .
11 I 'll think what I can do about that ; I do n't want to go back to Security or through Six … when you come down to it how do we know some of the Old Guard in those places are n't involved in this bloody attempt to run the country from the shadows ?
12 And you can always tell reflectors in training , cos sometimes you 'll think what 's happening , nobody else wants participation , reflectors will actually stand back and think well what did they ask for , what do I talk about then and it 's always like a delayed response you get a lot of reflectors and we had one course once and we had all high reflector scores and that actually told us a lot about participation cos people were n't disguising any they were thinking about it coming in had time to consider an opinion so that 's a reflector .
13 They 'll think what kind of home does she live in ?
14 Erm , what we have to do is to look at , if you like , the way in which A , we can improve what we do erm , and see if we ca n't get more out of the two of you than we do currently , I 'm sure you 'll enjoy what we 're doing .
15 When he told Perkins his landlord of his case , and that it would be a pity to leave Solomon unfinished , Perkins blanched when he heard it would take another two years , gave him his fat hand and told him if the painting did not sell after two years , and Haydon still could not pay , ‘ … why , sir , we 'll consider what is to be done , so do n't fret , but work . ’
16 ‘ I 'm going to have a major rest and then I 'll consider what to do .
17 Anyway , you 'll know what it means when you see it .
18 He 'll know what to do . ’
19 She 'll know what to do . ’
20 She found herself walking along the road saying ‘ I 'll talk it all over with Alan when I get in — he 'll know what to do ’ , only to remember that it was Alan who was the cause of the heartache .
21 I wo n't say anything now , but when we come to the recapitulation you 'll know what I am doing , and we 'll see what you do ’ .
22 Tommy , you put on your coat and go down to the police box and they 'll know what to do . ’
23 From now on , you 'll know what our charges are , so there 'll be no surprises .
24 If you 've ever pushed a bicycle with a flat tyre you 'll know what a slow and awkward job it is .
25 If I find myself getting upset , I 'll know what to do .
26 ‘ When you reach our age , you 'll know what it feels like to have frost in yer bones . ’
27 Then you 'll know what I mean .
28 If so , you 'll know what a bind it can be to remove the mushroom cover and clear the blockage .
29 ‘ You 'll know what she wants you to know and no more .
30 So , next time you buy a guitar strap with ‘ Klondyke ’ on it , you 'll know what 's gone into making it the best , not just in the UK but all over the world .
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