Example sentences of "must only [be] " in BNC.

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1 The sun must only be a rare visitor to this mysterious landscape where spring flowers push through the slowly melting ice .
2 His Lordship said the power to stop a prosecution in its tracks must only be used in a clear case .
3 He must only be alive between the covers of a book , and not anywhere else .
4 A blanket punishment such as detention of a whole class must only be used as a last resort , otherwise people who are quite innocent may be detained incorrectly or unlawfully . ’
5 A Chambon must only be used by an experienced person and introduced gradually to avoid problems , such as the horse rearing .
6 Thus approved Green Belt must only be altered in exceptional circumstances .
7 The lines could very soon become entangled and this is a clear indication that line ferrets must only be used singly .
8 In order to avoid an unwanted conflict of data on the bus , the ADC output must only be enabled when it is actually being addressed by the microprocessor .
9 Garlic , for example , must only be used in tiny amounts or it will blister the skin .
10 Neon Tetras — A small Characin with very bright blue and red colouration which must only be kept in shoals and preferably in acid water .
11 Eastern Europe does not yet feature strongly in the trusts ' portfolios and according to Amanda Davidson , a partner in independent financial advisers Holden Meehan ( 071–354 2020 ) , it must only be viewed as a very long-term investment .
12 ‘ It must only be used as a last resort . ’
13 The cheques must only be used by you .
14 They can also be used to induce the birth of kids , but plainly this must only be done when the kids are due .
15 Such matters must only be conducted in accordance with the statutory rules and regulations and in accordance with the provisions of the 1991 guide and Practice Direction ( Crime : Costs ) [ 1991 ] 1 W.L.R. 498 , all of which require careful study before such hearings are conducted or orders are made .
16 Asset lives are not specified , they must only be fair .
17 Like the finches , the Galapagos mocking birds , Darwin concluded , must only be varieties of the species .
18 That back-up service would also allow our full-time officers to concentrate on the recruitment and servicing of our members , which must and must only be and remain our highest priority .
19 ( 3 ) The announcement of an offer must only be made by an offeror after the most careful and responsible consideration and when the offeror has every reason to believe that he can and will continue to be able to implement the offer ( eg he has the money ) .
20 The announcement of a firm intention to make an offer for a target company must only be made when the offeror has every reason to believe that it can and will continue to be able to implement the offer ( Rule 2.5(a) ) .
21 erm , because she 's , she 's quite big for her age , but like Louise she 's quite tall now , she 's nearly too tall for him even though there 's nothing of her she must only be about seven stone , erm , but this little Vicky she 's oh thinking she 's really good now and she 's improved so much and getting confident as well , and the dad takes in , he puts the bridle on him , he takes the dog in one hand and Min in the other he goes for walks for miles with the , with the horse and the dog Dave does
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