Example sentences of "still [v-ing] in " in BNC.

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1 Dinah was still weeping in bewilderment .
2 I 'm still eating in a guilty , uncomfortable way : huge amounts one day , then fasting or taking laxatives the next .
3 SEVEN Newcastle United fans were still recovering in hospital last night after a double fatal accident on the A66 trans-Pennine road .
4 Darlington man Keith Pringle was shot in the neck by a marksman and is still recovering in Middlesbrough General Hospital .
5 A 12-YEAR-OLD boy , who survived in a fume-filled car in which his mother and eight-year-old sister died , was still recovering in hospital yesterday .
6 Irenaeus says that Mark wrote after the deaths of Peter and Paul , while Clement of Alexandria stated that the book was written while Peter was still preaching in Rome .
7 As he knew , the momentum was still building in his favour .
8 He stepped forward and advanced slowly up the ramp , still singing in that voice which shook the rafters .
9 He would seem to have touched a power chord — what was predicted as a two-week movie is still drawing in American crowds for , reportedly , fourth visits .
10 Some tourist attractions say they 're still drawing in the crowds , although the immediate future is far from rosey .
11 In the following months he defeated Lord Franks in the election of a Chancellor for Oxford University : he was still in office in 1983 , and still using in public ceremonies the Latin pronunciation he had learned at Eton in the last Edwardian days .
12 Does your kitchen look like an operating theatre , or are you still cooking in a replica Sienese farmhouse ?
13 He was elected to succeed Gaston Mullegg as President of FISA when he was 33 and still competing in the Swiss rowing team .
14 Children as young as 18 months start with pre school gymnastics activity and at the other end of the scale adults of 60 plus are still competing in veterans competitions .
15 After their special meeting , the ANC then released a statement saying the tour was still hanging in the balance ad pointed the blame squarely at Louis Luyt .
16 Come dawn , the chick has checked out , but Spunk is still hanging in there — bad diet , presumably There followed a brilliant scene , as Spunk staggered out to confront the girl 's flatmates .
17 For I was still struggling in the web you had woven , like a helpless insect wanting to escape , yet hypnotized into acquiescence and adoration by the spider 's malefic eyes and enveloping threads , wound slowly one by one round my resistless mind :
18 Margins and jobs are still shrinking in many industries and corporate debt has doubled in the last five years .
19 But , in fact , we do not have far to look to discover some characteristics of the mensural system still occurring in later French music , in works by Du Mont , Charpentier , Lalande , Couperin and later composers .
20 Look at the stuff he 's holding on to : he is n't selling any of his great Minimal works , his Carl Andres or Donald Judds , but those are works that are still climbing in value . ’
21 Whilst still climbing in cloud the aircraft hit high ground , near the top of Clough Head at 2,200 feet ams !
22 Speaking for Jordan , Abu Jaber emphasized " our traditional Jordanian moderation " and warned against the " extremists and the rejectionists who speak in absolute terms and are still lurking in the wings " .
23 People are still dying in every gutter . ’
24 ‘ Not that way , ’ said Philip , still keeping in the trees .
25 He 's a man with no taste , still revelling in Jacques Brel , coming on like a shopgirl 's Scott Walker with geek dancing like the adored boy next door .
26 Some of the popular writings it seems had a huge circulation : Samuel Solomon 's Guide to Health , or Advice to Both Sexes ran to 66 editions between 1782 and 1817 , and editions were still appearing in the later nineteenth century .
27 I caught the leave ship while he , poor man , was still snoring in a room above an estaminet near the station .
28 The easiest course was to leave the car , which they did by the end doors , and they were still walking in single file through the train when it came into Hammersmith .
29 We are still walking in the road .
30 While it was still trading in the United Kingdom I.B.C. granted a debenture , dated 28 April 1989 , to the Swiss Bank Corporation ( ‘ the bank ’ ) .
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