Example sentences of "through which [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Each of the streets through which we went might have led to it .
2 Their use of the word ‘ consciousness ’ refers to the system of meaning through which we apprehend the world , as well as the ideas , opinions and beliefs which we are aware of holding .
3 ‘ There are informal networks through which we let one another know what we are doing and we meet and talk .
4 Twenty yards down the road , however , there was an exit marked OUT through which we rapidly drove , successfully avoiding the missiles .
5 As ‘ sacrament ’ it stands for the sacrifice of the cross through which we were brought near to God .
6 ‘ Eternity is not endless time , nor infinity endless space ; they are the entirely different mental categories through which we perceive the unfallen world . ’
7 It trailed across the dust , occasionally halting in dark brown cakes , from room to room , not through the doors sealed up with breeze-blocks but through holes in the walls , holes through which we crawled , troglodytes all .
8 For this reason , a Christian marriage is a like an opened door , through which we see new visions , and walk out into a vast panorama we never knew existed .
9 Time is a window through which we spy the world , And being engrossed in our present moments , we fail to grasp the significance of the time behind and the time ahead .
10 But in the Kal yuga , through which we now are passing , the age when mind predominates , man has largely lost consciousness of his inner centre of focused attention , the eye centre , and remains scattered in the world displayed to his mind by the five senses .
11 When we make something like these ten steps our daily discipline , we are aiming for it to be a vehicle through which we meet God and learn to love him and listen to him and abide in him .
12 Are there steps through which we can begin to learn again what was so clearly a part of the New Testament church 's experience ?
13 If we are willing to embark on an inner journey , we can discover all of the beliefs , expectations and hidden agendas through which we create our own lives , and begin to create the future of our Dreams .
14 The only outlet through which we dared to express our distress was sharing our fantasies of burning down our school !
15 There followed a period of reassessment — one that was widespread among feminists in general — through which we examined oppressions and questions of priorities and hierarchies , something we are still centrally concerned with .
16 To criticise language for being ‘ misleading ’ as to the state of affairs in the real world is to tilt at windmills , because language is not so much a limpid pool through which we are to glimpse the truth as a muddy pond full of the debris of history and ideology .
17 The new media offer , as it were , a prism through which we are better able to understand the existing structures of broadcasting : the threat makes it easier to appreciate what will vanish as well as what will come about .
18 It may well be that , for the Church historian of the middle of the twenty-first century , the tensions of the period of John Paul II through which we are now passing will themselves appear as but an interlude in the process initiated by the Council , and ending in a form of Catholicism still unimaginable today .
19 In an attempt to eliminate what we know is stupid , we are often forced into a bureaucratic game through which we hope to define our expectations and the rules of the game so that emotions will be controlled and rationality will triumph .
20 This conservative variant of normativism has , I believe , provided both the authoritative framework for determining the boundaries of the subject and supplied the basic language through which we reflect on issues raised within the subject .
21 The room itself is an object , with all its elements , carpets and hangings included , constituting an authentic whole , through which we can give a lesson in the development of style and taste .
22 However , as explorers , it is the country through which we travel that always leaves the greatest impression and , in this respect , our passage along the ‘ train of bones ’ would remain an unforgettable journey .
23 It 's a marvellous profession through which we can help our fellow citizens , an enriching one which , like medicine , saves lives …
24 The Committee considers that " true education " is most readily and completely available through the works of English literature , while also emphasizing its difference from mere " book learning " : " Books are not things in themselves , they are merely the instruments through which we hear the voices of those who have known life better than ourselves " .
25 Newtonian physics at one time seemed to give support to the idea that the universe was ordered and mechanistic and , therefore , divinely made ; Darwinism challenged many of the basic tenets of Christianity , thereby setting science and religion in opposition and creating an important set of dualities — rationality/irrationality , reason/faith — through which we have come to construct science .
26 One arises from the adaptation to new skills required to man the information technology revolution through which we are now living .
27 This argument may be exemplified by considering one of the mechanisms through which we deal with the everyday world .
28 Material culture studies derive their importance from this continual simultaneity between the artefact as the form of natural materials whose nature we continually experience through practices , and also as the form through which we continually experience the very particular nature or our cultural order .
29 I wish to correct a wrong impression that has gained some credence amongst the ignorant and unreasoning public , that sign language — the agency through which we inter.exchange thought and opinion — is calculated to do injury to the intelligence of the deaf and dumb .
30 It provides paradigms of action and role models through which we interpret ‘ real life ’ .
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